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General biology and biomathematics
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MSC 2010
broader concept
Mathematical biology in general
Biologia generale e biomatematica
General biology and biomathematics
Optimal Proliferation Rate in a Cell Division Model
An Intracellular Delay-Differential Equation Model of the HIV Infection and Immune Control
Mathematical and Computational Models in Tumor Immunology
Host Factors in Viral Life Cycles
The Immune System - Complexity Exemplified
Non-Markovian Stochastic Epidemics in Extremely Heterogeneous Populations
On the Weak Solutions of the McKendrick Equation: Existence of Demography Cycles
Possibly Longest Food Chain: Analysis of a Mathematical Model
Oscillations in Functional Structural Plant Growth Models
Analysis of the penalized 3D variable viscosity stokes equations coupled to diffusion and transport
In vitro Vasculogenesis Models Revisited - Measurement of VEGF Diffusion in Matrigel
Feeding Threshold for Predators Stabilizes Predator-Prey Systems
Hematologic Disorders and Bone Marrow-Peripheral Blood Dynamics
On the Dynamics of a Two-Strain Influenza Model with Isolation
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection : from Biological Observations to Mechanistic Mathematical Modelling
A Mathematical Model for the Proliferation, Accumulation and Spread of Pathogenic Proteins Along Neuronal Pathways with Locally Anomalous Trapping
Proliferating Lévy Walkers and Front Propagation
Dynamical Patterns of Coexisting Strategies in a Hybrid Discrete-continuum Spatial Evolutionary Game Model
Analysis of a Mathematical Model for the Molecular Mechanism of Fate Decision in Mammary Stem Cells
Investigation of the Migration/Proliferation Dichotomy and its Impact on Avascular Glioma Invasion
A Computational Framework to Assess the Efficacy of Cytotoxic Molecules and Vascular Disrupting Agents against Solid Tumours
Spatial Demogenetic Model for Studying Phenomena Observed upon Introduction of the Ragweed Leaf Beetle in the South of Russia
Toward a General Model for the Evolution of DNA Replication in Three Domains of Life
A viscoelastic model with non-local damping application to the human lungs
Optimal Poiseuille flow in a finite elastic dyadic tree
Observers for Canonic Models of Neural Oscillators
The Effect of Bacteria on Epidermal Wound Healing
Simulating Kinetic Processes in Time and Space on a Lattice
Could changes in national tuberculosis vaccination policies be ill-informed ?
Global Existence and Boundedness of Solutions to a Model of Chemotaxis
Compartmental Models of Migratory Dynamics
Boolean Biology: Introducing Boolean Networks and Finite Dynamical Systems Models to Biology and Mathematics Courses
Autowaves in the Model of Infiltrative Tumour Growth with Migration-Proliferation Dichotomy
From Quasispecies Theory to Viral Quasispecies: How Complexity has Permeated Virology
Using Numerical Bifurcation Analysis to Study Pattern Formation in Mussel Beds
The formation of a tree leaf
A hyperbolic model of chemotaxis on a network: a numerical study
Positive and Negative Feedback in Engineering and Biology
Epidemiology of Dengue Fever: A Model with Temporary Cross-Immunity and Possible Secondary Infection Shows Bifurcations and Chaotic Behaviour in Wide Parameter Regions
Comparison of Perron and Floquet Eigenvalues in Age Structured Cell Division Cycle Models
Multi-scale Modelling for Threshold Dependent Differentiation
On the Form of Smooth-Front Travelling Waves in a Reaction-Diffusion Equation with Degenerate Nonlinear Diffusion
Analysis of Space-Temporal Symmetry in the Early Embryogenesis of Calla palustris L., Araceae
Microscopic Modelling of Active Bacterial Suspensions
Analysis of the Growth Control Network Specific for Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells
Scaling of Stochasticity in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Epidemics
Prediction and Predictability in Population Biology: Noise and Chaos
Overcoming Complexity of Biological Systems: from Data Analysis to Mathematical Modeling
Microscale Complexity in the Ocean: Turbulence, Intermittency and Plankton Life
Patterns of Zooplankton Functional Response in Communities with Vertical Heterogeneity: a Model Study
Dynamics of Nutrient-Phytoplankton Interaction in the Presence of Viral Infection and Periodic Nutrient Input
Approximating the Stability Region for a Differential Equation with a Distributed Delay
Multiphase and Multiscale Trends in Cancer Modelling
Modelling Physiological and Pharmacological Control on Cell Proliferation to Optimise Cancer Treatments
Mathematical Modelling of Tumour Dormancy
The Intersection of Theory and Application in Elucidating Pattern Formation in Developmental Biology
Pre-symptomatic Influenza Transmission, Surveillance, and School Closings: Implications for Novel Influenza A (H1N1)
Some Parameter Estimation Issues in Functional-Structural Plant Modelling
Self-Assembly of Icosahedral Viral Capsids: the Combinatorial Analysis Approach
Reaction-Diffusion Modelling of Interferon Distribution in Secondary Lymphoid Organs
Algebraic Methods for Studying Interactions Between Epidemiological Variables
A Modeling Framework For Immune-related Diseases
Non-homogeneous Random Walks, Subdiffusive Migration of Cells and Anomalous Chemotaxis
Spatial Dynamics of A Reaction-Diffusion Model with Distributed Delay
Development and Evaluation of Plant Growth Models: Methodology and Implementation in the PYGMALION platform
Stochastic Multiscale Models of Cell Population Dynamics: Asymptotic and Numerical Methods
Nonlinear Tempering of Subdiffusion with Chemotaxis, Volume Filling, and Adhesion
Patterns and Transitions to Instability in an Intraspecific Competition Model with Nonlocal Diffusion and Interaction
Mathematical model of tumour cord growth along the source of nutrient
Optimal non-pharmaceutical interventions considering limited healthcare system capacity and economic costs in the Republic of Korea
Non-linear analysis of a model for yeast cell communication
A Glioblastoma PDE-ODE model including chemotaxis and vasculature
Hybrid data-based modelling in oncology: successes, challenges and hopes
The impact of competition between cancer cells and healthy cells on optimal drug delivery
Efficiency of cancer treatments: in silico experiments
On hysteresis of ion channels
Mathematical analysis of a diffusive predator-prey model with herd behavior and prey escaping
Tumor width on T1-weighted MRI images of glioblastoma as a prognostic biomarker: a mathematical model
Discrete and continuum phenotype-structured models for the evolution of cancer cell populations under chemotherapy
Dynamics of a three species ratio-dependent food chain model with diffusion and double free boundaries
COVID-19 basic reproduction number and assessment of initial suppression policies in Costa Rica
Prediction of confinement effects on the number of Covid-19 outbreak in Algeria
A discrete epidemic model and a zigzag strategy for curbing the Covid-19 outbreak and for lifting the lockdown
SIARD model and effect of lockdown on the dynamics of COVID-19 disease with non total immunity
A new approach to the dynamic modeling of an infectious disease
Quantifying the Effects of Non-Pharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical Interventions Against Covid-19 Epidemic in the Republic of Korea: Mathematical Model-Based Approach Considering Age Groups and the Delta Variant
Forecast analysis and sliding mode control on a stochastic epidemic model with alertness and vaccination
Optimisation of time-scheduled regimen for anti-cancer drug infusion
Cell-to-Muscle homogenization. Application to a constitutive law for the myocardium
Diagnostics of the AML with immunophenotypical data
Temporally Interruptive Interaction Allows Mutual Invasion of Two Competing Species Dispersing in Space
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