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Mechanical ventilation
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Mechanical ventilation
Prolonged mechanical ventilation as a consequence of acute illness
Risk factors for respiratory syncytial virus hospitalisation in children with heart disease
Amitraz poisoning, an emerging problem: epidemiology, clinical features, management, and preventive strategies
ABC of poisoning. Immediate measures--in hospital.
Corticosteroid induced osteoporosis in severe menstrual asthma. Steroid sparing drugs may be useful.
The prone position in acute respiratory distress syndrome
Brain stem death: managing care when accepted medical guidelines and religious beliefs are in conflict
Preventing ventilator associated pneumonia
Mechanical ventilation with heated humidifiers or with heat and moisture exchangers with microbiological filters did not reduce ventilator associated pneumonia in adults
Transient hypocalcaemia and T-cell deficiency in an infant.
Locked-in: don’t judge a book by its cover
The pulmonary physician in critical care • 11: Critical care management of respiratory failure resulting from COPD
Use of acetazolamide to decrease cerebrospinal fluid production in chronically ventilated patients with ventriculopleural shunts
Pre-existing disease is associated with a significantly higher risk of death in severe respiratory syncytial virus infection
Work of breathing during SIMV with and without pressure support
Any Questions?
Lung abscess and reactive arthritis: rare complications of leptospirosis.
Postoperative pulmonary complications
Central funding and a central resource providing information are needed
Criteria for admission
Nitric oxide helps neonates with respiratory disorder
High spending intensive care doctors do not always achieve better outcomes
Video decision support tool for advance care planning in dementia: randomised controlled trial
A breathless woman with asthma
High frequency oscillation in acute lung injury and ARDS
Progressive respiratory distress due to neck mass
Families with loved ones on mechanical ventilation in the ICU found a way to face “living with dying”
A single session of music therapy decreased anxiety and improved relaxation in adults who required mechanical ventilation
Intensive insulin treatment reduced mortality and morbidity in critically ill patients
Review: long acting β2 agonists and inhaled corticosteroids reduce exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Including a weaning predictor in the daily assessment of weaning readiness increased mechanical ventilation weaning time
Primary spontaneous tension pneumothorax in a submariner at sea
Ultrasound guided percutaneous relief of tension pneumomediastinum in a 1-day-old newborn
Acute pulmonary oedema complicating polyethylene glycol intestinal lavage
Small-intestinal obstruction from a Richter's hernia at the site of insertion of a laparoscope.
Current practices in neonatal intensive care in the United Kingdom.
Commentary: Need for a nationally consistent approach
Previous refusal of consent may not be relevant
UK trial of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation gave biased estimate of efficacy
Neurological support
Preventing renal failure in the critically ill
Challenges in managing profound hypokalaemia
Risk of respiratory morbidity in term infants delivered by elective caesarean section: cohort study
Phenobarbitone and serum unconjugated oestriol concentrations in four pregnant women with hypertension.
Isoflurane compared with midazolam for sedation in the intensive care unit.
Umbilical cord clamping and preterm infants: a randomised trial.
Selective decontamination of the gut.
Management of septic shock.
Neuromuscular blockers during general anaesthesia
Radiological review of pneumothorax
Deciding who to admit to a critical care unit
Preventing postextubation airway complications in adults
Intravenous immune globulins in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome and contraindications to plasma exchange: 3 days versus 6 days
Changes in occlusion pressure (P0.1) and breathing pattern during pressure support ventilation
Progress in ARDS research: a protection racket?
Stability in community-acquired pneumonia: one step forward with markers?
New perspectives on community-acquired pneumonia in 388 406 patients. Results from a nationwide mandatory performance measurement programme in healthcare quality
Managing a sleep disorder service
NIV: clinical aspects
The role of neutrophil apoptosis in the resolution of acute lung injury in newborn infants
Obesity associated hypoventilation in medical patients is common, potentially dangerous and under-recognised
Outcomes, cost and long term survival of patients referred to a regional weaning centre
Hospital building in the NHS. Ideas and designs I: from Greenwich to best buy.
Heroin inhalation and asthma.
Clinical diagnosis of ventilator associated pneumonia revisited: comparative validation using immediate post-mortem lung biopsies
NIV: clinical aspects
Controlled Oxygen Therapy in Respiratory Failure
Lister Centenary Conference at R.C.S.: Organ Dysfunction
Interference of a propranolol metabolite with serum bilirubin estimation in chronic renal failure.
Alerting close relatives of patients with glaucoma.
Is hypokalaemia the cause of paralysis in barium poisoning?
Does nicotine chewing gum work?
Unreviewed Reports
Ventilatory support
Orthopnoea in a young woman
Generalised tetanus in a patient with a chronic ulcerated skin lesion
Partial protection of seasonal trivalent inactivated vaccine against novel pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009: case-control study in Mexico City
Prognosis of patients with acute renal failure without cardiopathy
Anti B cell targeted immunotherapy for treatment of refractory autoimmune haemolytic anaemia in a young infant
Tinea pedis.
Fatal subcutaneous emphysema by manja: a deadly string
Massive haemoptysis following dabigatran administration in a patient with bronchiectasis
Impact of a severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak in the emergency department: an experience in Taiwan
Capnometry in the prehospital setting: are we using its potential?
Randomised controlled trial of respiratory system compliance measurements in mechanically ventilated neonates
Meconium aspiration syndrome and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Snapshot view of emergency neurosurgical head injury care in Great Britain and Ireland
Sub-acute hydrocephalus in a patient with influenza A (H3N2) virus-related cerebellitis
Prevention of nosocomial bacterial pneumonia
Plasma surfactant protein levels and clinical outcomes in patients with acute lung injury
The pulmonary physician in critical care • Illustrative case 2: Interstitial lung disease
Insights into post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans in children
Pulmonary coagulopathy: a potential therapeutic target in different forms of lung injury
England and Wales
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