. "Phytoremediation of MTBE from aGroundwater Plume" . . "The feasibility of phytoremediation to both remediate andhydraulically contain a methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)-contaminated groundwater plume was investigated in a three-phase study that included the following elements: (i) alaboratory bioreactor study that examined the fateand transport of 14C-radiolabeled MTBE in hybrid poplartrees, (ii) a novel approach for a mathematical modelingstudy that investigated the influence of deep-rooted treeson unsaturated and saturated groundwater flow, and(iii) a field study at a Houston site with MTBE-contaminatedgroundwater where hybrid poplar trees were planted. Inthe laboratory study, the predominant fate pathway was uptakeand evapotranspiration of [14C]-MTBE from leaves andstems of poplar cuttings rooted in hydroponic solution. Themodeling study demonstrates that phytohydraulic containment of MTBE in groundwater by deep-rooted trees can beachieved. The field study demonstrated significantgroundwater uptake of groundwater by deep-rooted treesvia direct measurement in the first three seasons. Theuse of vegetation may provide a cost-effective in-situ alternative for containment and remediation of MTBE-contaminated groundwater plumes." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .