. . . "Urbanisme, Urbanologie, \u00E9tudes urbaines\u00A0: l\u2019improbable classification"@fr . . "HERM_067_0095" . . . "L\u2019industrialisation et la g\u00E9n\u00E9ralisation des transports m\u00E9caniques transforment profond\u00E9ment les relations s\u00E9culaires villes/campagnes et tendent \u00E0 homog\u00E9n\u00E9iser les modes de vie en privil\u00E9giant les valeurs propres aux citadins. Certains praticiens \u0153uvrent alors \u00E0 la constitution d\u2019une nouvelle discipline l\u2019\u00AB\u00A0urbanisme\u00A0\u00BB, \u00E0 la fois savoir-faire et savoir sur ce faire. Au fil des ann\u00E9es, cette \u00AB\u00A0discipline\u00A0\u00BB devient une affaire d\u2019\u00C9tat, le pouvoir de modeler les territoires selon la seule politique productiviste et g\u00E9n\u00E8re sa critique, qui \u00E0 son tour propose une nouvelle approche, environnementale cette fois. Nous en sommes l\u00E0\u00A0: comment substituer \u00E0 l\u2019urbanisme r\u00E9glement\u00E9 un m\u00E9nagement favorisant les sens, les \u00E9l\u00E9ments et une climatique de l\u2019habitabilit\u00E9 de la Terre\u00A0?"@fr . "Urban planning, urbanology and urban studies\u00A0: an improbable classification"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Urban planning, urbanology and urban studies\u00A0: an improbable classification. Industrialisation and the spread of mechanical modes of transport brought profound changes to centuries-old relationships between town and country and tended to homogenise lifestyles with a bias towards the values of city-dwellers. Attempts were then made by some practitioners to establish a new discipline, \u201Curban planning\u201D, encompassing both knowhow and knowledge on that know-how. Over the years, this \u201Cdiscipline\u201D became a prerogative of the State, as it exercised its powers by shaping the country in line with policies geared to productivity alone, generating criticisms that in turn produced a different approach - environmental in this case. So now the question is this\u00A0: how do we switch from statutory urban planning to an approach that favours the senses, the elements and a climate of habitability on Earth\u00A0?"@en . "II. La discipline, au risque de l\u2019inertie -- A. Quand l\u2019indiscipline originelle se \u00AB\u00A0fige\u00A0\u00BB" . .