. . . . . "M\u00E9moires cliniques" . . "Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) sits at the intersection of three clinical fields: perinatal care, intensive care, and extreme bodily experiences. This study highlights the specificities of the experience of this obstetric incident and demonstrates the conscious and unconscious reasons behind women\u2019s difficulties engaging with their baby when they meet him or her. The clinical material comes from interviews conducted during a unicentric prospective psychological study. Women who go through a PPH experience a shock to their feeling of continuity of being; the vital threat thus short-circuits their access to motherhood. There is an impossible simultaneity between post-traumatic narcissistic restoration and objectal investment of the baby. Parturient women\u2019s capacity to psychologically get through the experience of this traumatic event appears to ensure that they meet their baby properly and that they can access motherhood. Health care professionals and close friends and family appear to play a decisive role in the work of psychosomatic reconstruction that follows this extreme experience."@en . . "Quand donner la vie rime avec risquer la mort. Sp\u00E9cificit\u00E9s du v\u00E9cu des femmes ayant eu une h\u00E9morragie du post-partum et leurs effets sur le devenir m\u00E8re"@fr . . . . . "PSYE_632_0093" . . . . . . . . . . . "L\u2019h\u00E9morragie du post-partum (HPP) est au carrefour de trois champs cliniques\u00A0: la p\u00E9rinatalit\u00E9, la r\u00E9animation et les exp\u00E9riences extr\u00EAmes du corps. La recherche pr\u00E9sent\u00E9e souligne la singularit\u00E9 du v\u00E9cu de cet incident obst\u00E9trical et t\u00E9moigne des motifs conscients et inconscients des difficult\u00E9s des femmes \u00E0 s\u2019engager dans la rencontre avec leur b\u00E9b\u00E9. Le mat\u00E9riel clinique est issu d\u2019entretiens r\u00E9alis\u00E9s dans le cadre d\u2019une \u00E9tude psychologique prospective unicentrique. Les femmes qui vivent une HPP sont travers\u00E9es par un \u00E9branlement du sentiment de continuit\u00E9 d\u2019\u00EAtre\u00A0; la menace vitale court-circuite, ce faisant, l\u2019acc\u00E8s au maternel. Il y a une impossible simultan\u00E9it\u00E9 entre la restauration narcissique post-traumatique et l\u2019investissement objectal du b\u00E9b\u00E9. La capacit\u00E9 des parturientes \u00E0 pouvoir faire psychiquement l\u2019exp\u00E9rience de cet \u00E9v\u00E9nement traumatique appara\u00EEt comme le garant d\u2019une v\u00E9ritable rencontre avec leur b\u00E9b\u00E9 et de l\u2019acc\u00E8s au devenir m\u00E8re. L\u2019entourage et les professionnels de sant\u00E9 semblent d\u00E9terminants dans le travail de reconstruction psychosomatique qui suit cette exp\u00E9rience extr\u00EAme."@fr . . . . . . . . "When giving birth goes hand in hand with risking death: the specificities of the experience of women who have had a postpartum hemorrhage and their effects on motherhood"@en . .