. . . . "1018 articles in MIS published since 1977 have been fully read and analyzed in order to describe the research activity in the MIS field. First of all we explain the deductive and multi dimensional approach used. Then we describe the typical components of the research field and his evolution from 1977 to 2001. The research field seems to be continuously centered on a prevailing problem\u00A0: the Evaluation. A comparative analysis between the French-spoken and the English-spoken researches shows numerous differences in the problems studied and in the way the research is conducted."@en . "Articles" . . "SIM_162_0115" . . . . . . . . "25 ans de recherche en Syst\u00E8mes d\u2019Information"@fr . . . . . "1\u00A0018 articles en Syst\u00E8mes d\u2019Information publi\u00E9s depuis 1977 jusqu\u2019\u00E0 nos jours ont \u00E9t\u00E9 lus et analys\u00E9s dans leur int\u00E9gralit\u00E9 afin de d\u00E9crire la recherche en Syst\u00E8mes d\u2019Information. Apr\u00E8s avoir justifi\u00E9 l\u2019approche d\u00E9ductive multidimensionnelle utilis\u00E9e, l\u2019article d\u00E9crit les \u00E9l\u00E9ments caract\u00E9ristiques du champ de recherche ainsi que son \u00E9volution entre 1977 et 2001. Le champ appara\u00EEt, en permanence, centr\u00E9 autour d\u2019une probl\u00E9matique dominante\u00A0: l\u2019\u00E9valuation. Une analyse comparative des recherches anglophones et francophones met en \u00E9vidence des diff\u00E9rences notables dans les sujets abord\u00E9s et dans les d\u00E9marches adopt\u00E9es."@fr . . . . .