. . . . . . "First-aid training at work on interpersonal development: exploratory study on employees in integration into the workplace centres"@en . . . "Politiques, interventions et expertises en sant\u00E9 publique -- Articles courts" . . . . . . . . . . "L\u2019Institut National de Recherche et de S\u00E9curit\u00E9 (INRS) et le r\u00E9seau \u00AB\u00A0CHANTIER \u00C9cole\u00A0\u00BB d\u00E9veloppent une formation de Sauveteur Secouriste du Travail (SST) dans des Structures d\u2019Insertion par l\u2019Activit\u00E9 \u00C9conomique (SIAE), pour des personnes fragilis\u00E9es. Sp\u00E9cifique \u00E0 la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 au travail mais proche de l\u2019\u00C9ducation \u00E0 Porter Soins et Secours (EPSS), la formation SST vise \u00E9galement la responsabilisation individuelle, collective et de citoyennet\u00E9. L\u2019objectif de l\u2019\u00E9tude \u00E9tait d\u2019\u00E9valuer les effets personnels et interpersonnels de la formation SST aupr\u00E8s de salari\u00E9s, consid\u00E9rant leurs difficult\u00E9s sociales et professionnelles, en termes de comp\u00E9tences psychosociales, telles la responsabilisation, la gestion du stress et des \u00E9motions, et la capacit\u00E9 \u00E0 prendre des d\u00E9cisions. L\u2019\u00E9tude \u00E9tait de type descriptive-inductive. Elle s\u2019est d\u00E9roul\u00E9e sur 18 mois, empruntant aux fondements de la th\u00E9orie ancr\u00E9e. Cinq structures d\u2019insertion ont \u00E9t\u00E9 sollicit\u00E9es et au total 34\u00A0entretiens ont \u00E9t\u00E9 r\u00E9alis\u00E9s. Apr\u00E8s l\u2019analyse de contenu, les r\u00E9sultats obtenus questionnent\u00A0: a) les caract\u00E9ristiques du public de cette formation et leur perception d\u2019insertion par le travail, b) l\u2019adaptation de cette formation aux conditions de travail et son lien avec d\u2019autres formations comme l\u2019\u00E9ducation en sant\u00E9 familiale, c) le volet citoyennet\u00E9 de la formation SST, puisqu\u2019il est plus appliqu\u00E9 par ce type de public aupr\u00E8s de la famille qu\u2019au travail. Une \u00E9tude de type quantitative est envisag\u00E9e pour confirmer ces constats aupr\u00E8s d\u2019autres structures d\u2019insertion."@fr . . . "Formation Secouriste Sauveteur au Travail sur le d\u00E9veloppement interpersonnel\u2008: \u00E9tude exploratoire aupr\u00E8s des salari\u00E9s de Structures d\u2019Insertion professionnelle"@fr . . . . . . "SPUB_162_0163" . "Public health policies, interventions and expertises"@en . "First-aid training at work on interpersonal development: exploratory study on employees in integration into the workplace centres. The National Institute of Research and Security and the \u201CCHANTIER Ecole\u201D network have developed first-aid training for employees of integration into the workplace centres. Specifically geared towards workplace safety, but similar in its content to home first-aid and rescue training, this training is also designed to enhance individual and collective responsibility and citizenship. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the personal and interpersonal effects of first-aid training of these employees by considering their social and professional difficulties in terms of psychosocial skills, such as empowerment, stress and emotions management, and decision-making capacity. A descriptive-inductive study was conducted over 18 months based on the grounded theory approach. Five integration into the work-place centres participated in the study and 34 interviews were conducted. These results raise several questions concerning: a) the characteristics of this public targeted by this training and their perception of integration into the workplace; b) the suitability of this training to working conditions and the link with other types of training such as family health education; c) the relationship between citizenship training and first-aid training at work, as it is more applicable to family training than workplace training. A quantitative study is considered to confirm these observations in other integration into the workplace centres."@en . . .