. "EDP Sciences, SETE" . . . . . . . . . . "2020"^^ . . . "\u00A9 SETE, 2020" . . . "2020"^^ . . . . . "tpe200011" . . "Introduction : L\u2019\u00E9ducation th\u00E9rapeutique du patient (ETP) est une approche centr\u00E9e sur le patient qui requiert une formation ad\u00E9quate des soignants. Cette \u00E9tude vise \u00E0 explorer les situations embl\u00E9matiques rencontr\u00E9es par les m\u00E9decins dans leur pratique o\u00F9 leur formation en ETP a \u00E9t\u00E9 utile, ce qui peut fournir des \u00E9clairages pour la conception de programmes de formation en ETP. M\u00E9thodes : Deux focus groupes (FG) et entretiens individuels avec des m\u00E9decins form\u00E9s en ETP en activit\u00E9 aux H\u00F4pitaux Universitaires de Gen\u00E8ve ont \u00E9t\u00E9 r\u00E9alis\u00E9s. Les donn\u00E9es ont \u00E9t\u00E9 analys\u00E9es selon une m\u00E9thodologie d\u2019analyse th\u00E9matique inductive. R\u00E9sultats : Six situations embl\u00E9matiques sont ressorties: la non-observance, la n\u00E9cessaire vision globale du patient, le patient partenaire, le travail de la demande du patient, l\u2019adaptation de la demande du patient au besoin sous-jacent, la co-construction du plan th\u00E9rapeutique et la confrontation \u00E0 l\u2019impuissance. Discussion : La formation en ETP a permis aux m\u00E9decins de d\u00E9velopper des comp\u00E9tences pour mieux identifier et r\u00E9pondre \u00E0 ces situations complexes. Elle a \u00E9galement favoris\u00E9 un changement dans la posture du m\u00E9decin, qui est pass\u00E9 d\u2019une posture d\u2019enseignement et d\u2019expertise \u00E0 une posture de co-construction et d\u2019apprentissage. Conclusion : Ces situations illustrent comment les soins des patients complexes sont omnipr\u00E9sents dans la pratique m\u00E9dicale et la formation en ETP un atout pour faire face \u00E0 cette complexit\u00E9. Une formation cibl\u00E9e sur ces activit\u00E9s pourrait avoir un impact positif sur la pratique des m\u00E9decins et les soins aux patients."@fr . . . . . . . . "Introduction: Therapeutic patient education (TPE) is a patient-centered approach that requires proper training of healthcare professionals. This study aims to explore representative situations encountered by physicians in their practice where TPE training was useful, which can provide insights for the conception of TPE training programs. Methods: A qualitative approach with both focus groups (FG) and individual interviews with physicians trained in TPE in activity at the Geneva University Hospitals (GUH) was carried out. The data was analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. Results: Two FG of 9 doctors were conducted. Six representative situations emerged from our analysis: non-compliance, maintaining a comprehensive vision for overall care of the patient, the partner patient, matching the patient request to the underlying need, co-constructing the therapeutic action plan, and confronting powerlessness. Discussion: Training in TPE allowed physicians to develop skills to better identify and address these situations. It also favored a change in the posture of the physician, from a posture of teaching and expertise to one of co-construction and learning. Conclusion: These situations show how much the care of complex patients is present in the medical practice and TPE training a valuable skill to deal with this complexity. TPE training targeted at these activities could have a positive impact on the practice of physicians and patient care."@en . . . . . "Therapeutic Patient Education in the practice of physicians at the Geneva University Hospitals: a qualitative analysis of representative situations and skills"@en .