"The hybridization of ZnO and C60 significantly increases the photocatalytic degradation performance and completely prevents the photocorrosion of Zn)." . "C60 molecules with monomolecular layer state dispersed on the surface of ZnO and formed the hybridized interaction between ZnO and C60. C60-hybridized ZnO photocatalyst showed enhanced photocatalytic activity for the degradation of the organic dye and the photocorrosion of ZnO was successfully inhibited by the hybridization of C60 molecules. The photocorrosion inhibition of ZnO by C60 molecule could be attributed to the reduced activation of surface oxygen atom. The enhanced photocatalytic activity for C60-hybridized ZnO was originated from the high migration efficiency of photoinduced electrons on the interface of C60 and ZnO, which was produced by the interaction of C60 and ZnO with a conjugative \u03C0-system. The enhancement degree of photocatalytic activity was strongly depended on the coverage of C60 molecules on the surface of ZnO nanoparticles, and the optimum hybridization effect was found at a weight ratio of 1.5% (C60/ZnO). The hybridization of C60 with semiconductors could be used to improve the photocatalytic activity as well as the photostability." . . . . . . . . . . "Photocorrosion Inhibition and Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity for ZnO via Hybridization with C60" . . . . . . .