. "Girard was a lawyer and a writer from Quimper. He wrote many books before 1789. He took part in the French Revolution in his hometown by supporting Robespierre. In 1796, he sent a utopia to the new government in which he expressed his fears in the face of the food shortage and the hostility of the country people towards the town people. His text shows the influences of political events on the planning of an ideal society."@en . . "Girard est un avocat et un \u00E9crivain originaire de Quimper. Il a \u00E9crit de nombreux ouvrages avant 1789. Il participe \u00E0 la R\u00E9volution fran\u00E7aise dans sa ville en soutenant Robespierre. En 1796, il envoie au nouveau gouvernement une utopie o\u00F9 il exprime ses craintes devant la p\u00E9nurie alimentaire et l\u2019hostilit\u00E9 des campagnes contre les villes. Son texte nous montre les influences des \u00E9v\u00E9nements politiques sur la r\u00E9daction d\u2019un projet de soci\u00E9t\u00E9 id\u00E9ale."@fr . . . "ABPO_1141_0006" . . . "Un utopiste quimperois\u00A0: Guillaume-Jacques Girard (1728-1821)"@fr . . . .