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Optimization of High-Performance DNA Sequencingon Short Microfabricated Electrophoretic Devices
Dual-Electrode Electrochemical Detection forPoly(dimethylsiloxane)-Fabricated CapillaryElectrophoresis Microchips
Electrocatalysis of NADH Oxidation with anElectropolymerized Film of1,4-Bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dimethylbutane
Comments on “AnExtraction Method forDetermination ofGinkgolides andBilobalide in Ginkgo LeafExtracts”
Using Molecular Beacons To Probe MolecularInteractions between Lactate Dehydrogenase andSingle-Stranded DNA
A Cluster Expansion Method for the CompleteResolution of Microscopic Ionization Equilibriafrom NMR Titrations
Chiral Gas Chromatographic Separation of2-Oxabicyclo[3.3.0]octane Derivatives and TheirSynthetic Precursors
Sample Preparation Based on DynamicIon-Exchange Solid-Phase Extraction for GC/MSAnalysis of Acidic Herbicides in EnvironmentalWaters
Low-Speed Rotary CountercurrentChromatography Using a Convoluted MultilayerHelical Tube for Industrial Separation
Performance-Enhanced “Tunable” CapillaryMicrowave-Induced Plasma Mass Spectrometer forGas Chromatography Detection
Investigation of Enzyme Kinetics UsingQuench−Flow Techniques with MALDI-TOF MassSpectrometry
Development of Multichannel Devices with anArray of Electrospray Tips for High-ThroughputMass Spectrometry
Estimating Realistic Confidence Intervals for theActivation Energy Determined fromThermoanalytical Measurements
A Chromatographic Technique To Investigate theLability of Copper Complexes under Steady-StateConditions Using High Specific Activity 64Cu
Determination of Water in NIST Reference Materialfor Mineral Oils
Which of Three Voltammetric Methods, WhenApplied to a Reversible Electrode Reaction, CanBest Cope with Double-Layer Capacitance andSevere Uncompensated Resistance?
A Binderless, Bulk-Modified, Renewable SurfaceAmperometric Sensor for NADH and Ethanol
SFE-GC with Quantitative Transfer of theExtraction Effluent to a Megabore CapillaryColumn
Pressurized Hot Water Extraction Coupled On-linewith LC−GC: Determination of PolyaromaticHydrocarbons in Sediment
A Binderless, Bulk-Modified, RenewableSurface Amperometric Sensor for NADHand Ethanol
Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence. 66. TheRole of Direct Coreactant Oxidation in theRuthenium Tris(2,2‘)bipyridyl/TripropylamineSystem and the Effect of Halide Ions on theEmission Intensity
Electrocatalysis at a Conducting CompositeElectrode Doped with a Ruthenium(II)Metallodendrimer
Chronopotentiometric Analysis of Highly ResistiveMedia
Probing the Limits: Ultraslow Diffusion andHeterogeneous Electron Transfers in RedoxPolyether Hybrid Cobalt Bipyridine Molten Salts
A Bulk Electrolysis Raman SpectroelectrochemicalCell Using a Rotating Electrode
Identification and Quantification of 77 Pesticidesin Groundwater Using Solid Phase Coupled toLiquid−Liquid Microextraction and Reversed-PhaseLiquid Chromatography
Segregation of Micrometer-Dimension BiosensorElements on a Variety of Substrate Surfaces
Molecularly Imprinted Fluorescent-Shift ReceptorsPrepared with 2-(Trifluoromethyl)acrylic Acid
A Continuous Film-Recirculable Drop Gas−LiquidEquilibration Device. Measurement of TraceGaseous Ammonia
High-Speed GC/MS of Gasoline-Range HydrocarbonCompounds Using a Pressure-Tunable ColumnEnsemble and Time-of-Flight Detection
High-Throughput Comprehensive Peptide Mappingof Proteins by Multiplexed CapillaryElectrophoresis
Application of Atmospheric Pressure IonizationTime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Coupled withLiquid Chromatography for the Characterization ofin Vitro Drug Metabolites
Hot Phosphate-Buffered Water Extraction CoupledOn-Line with Liquid Chromatography/MassSpectrometry for Analyzing Contaminants in Soil
Combinatorial Screening of Enzyme Activity byUsing Multiplexed Capillary Electrophoresis
Utility of Accurate Mass Tags for Proteome-WideProtein Identification
Preparation and Properties of Vapor DetectorArrays Formed fromPoly(3,4-ethylenedioxy)thiophene−Poly(styrenesulfonate)/Insulating Polymer Composites
Detection and Quantification of Neurotensin inHuman Brain Tissue by Matrix-Assisted LaserDesorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometry
Equilibrium and Kinetic Measurements ofMuscarinic Receptor Antagonism on Living CellsUsing Bead Injection Spectroscopy
Alkaline CuO Oxidation with a MicrowaveDigestion System: Lignin Analyses of GeochemicalSamples
Prototyping of Masks, Masters, and Stamps/Moldsfor Soft Lithography Using an Office Printer andPhotographic Reduction
Comparison and Improvement of theDeterminations of Actinide Low Activities UsingSeveral α Liquid Scintillation Spectrometers
Capillary Electrochromatography of Proteins on anAnion-Exchanger Column
Fabrication of Topologically ComplexThree-Dimensional Microfluidic Systems in PDMSby Rapid Prototyping
Genetic Identification by Mass SpectrometricAnalysis of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms: Ternary Encoding of Genotypes
Optical Detection of Polycations via PolymerFilm-Modified Microtiter Plates: ResponseMechanism and Bioanalytical Applications
Protein Concentration and Enzyme Digestion onMicrobeads for MALDI-TOF Peptide Mass Mappingof Proteins from Dilute Solutions
Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray MassSpectrometry of Organoselenium Compounds withPostcolumn Crown Ether Complexation
Imaging Size-Selective Permeation throughMicropatterned Thin Films Using ScanningElectrochemical Microscopy
Coupling Photochemical Reaction Detection Basedon Singlet Oxygen Sensitization to CapillaryElectrochromatography
Photocatalytic Sensor for Chemical OxygenDemand Determination Based on OxygenElectrode
MutS-Mediated Detection of DNA MismatchesUsing Atomic Force Microscopy
Turn Geometry for Minimizing Band Broadening inMicrofabricated Capillary ElectrophoresisChannels
Bismuth-Coated Carbon Electrodes for AnodicStripping Voltammetry
A Parallel Miniature Cylindrical Ion Trap Array
Liquid Chromatography/Electron CaptureAtmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization/MassSpectrometry: Analysis of PentafluorobenzylDerivatives of Biomolecules and Drugs in theAttomole Range
A Method To Define the Carboxyl Terminal ofProteins
Improved Detection Limits and UnbiasedSelectivity Coefficients Obtained by UsingIon-Exchange Resins in the Inner ReferenceSolution of Ion-Selective Polymeric MembraneElectrodes
Rapid and Direct Sequencing of Double-StrandedDNA Using Exonuclease III and MALDI-TOF MS
Assessing the Molecular Weight of a ConductingPolymer by Grazing Emission XRF
Eight Hundred-Base Sequencing in aMicrofabricated Electrophoretic Device
Improved Calibration of Time-of-Flight MassSpectra by Simplex Optimization of ElectrostaticIon Calculations
Hydrodynamic Flow Profiling in MicrochannelStructures by Single Molecule FluorescenceCorrelation Spectroscopy
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