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Copyright © 2000 American Chemical Society
Copyright © 2000 by the American Chemical Society
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American Chemical Society
by the American Chemical Society
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Amperometric Quantification of Polar OrganicSolvents Based on a Tyrosinase Biosensor
Patterning and Characterization of Surfaces withOrganic and Biological Molecules by the ScanningElectrochemical Microscope
Liquid Chromatographic Separations withMobile-Phase Additives: Influence of Pressure onCoupled Equilibria
Single-Molecule Analysis of DNA Immobilized onMicrospheres
Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization: AnIonization Method for LiquidChromatography−Mass Spectrometry
Fritless Capillary Columns for HPLC and CECPrepared by Immobilizing the Stationary Phase inan Organic Polymer Matrix
Science: Finding mismatches the bacterial way.
The ongoing evolution of analytical chemistry.
Interpretation of Mass Spectra from OrganicCompounds in Aerosol Time-of-Flight MassSpectrometry
Achievement of Near-Reversible Behavior for the[Fe(CN)6]3-/4- Redox Couple Using CyclicVoltammetry at Glassy Carbon, Gold, and PlatinumMacrodisk Electrodes in the Absence of AddedSupporting Electrolyte
News from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference: Determining chirality with MS.
Books and Software: Data mining with Spotfire Pro 4.0
Letter to the Editor: Challenges for the analytical chemistry curriculum
Analysis of Water Contaminants and Natural WaterSamples Using Two-Step Laser Mass Spectrometry
Approach for Independent-Matrix Removal ofPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from SolidSamples Based on Microwave-Assisted SoxhletExtraction with On-Line Fluorescence Monitoring
In AC Research
Analytical Currents: A closer look at dsDNA
Identification of Uncommon Plant MetabolitesBased on Calculation of Elemental CompositionsUsing Gas Chromatography and Quadrupole MassSpectrometry
NIST Micronutrients Measurement QualityAssurance Program: Characterizing IndividualParticipant Measurement Performance over Time
Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection by LiquidCore Waveguiding Applied to DNA Sequencing byCapillary Electrophoresis
Analytical Currents: High-throughput MALDI sample prep
Monitoring of Dye Adsorption Phenomena at aSilica Glass/Water Interface with Total InternalReflection Coupled with a Thermal Lens Effect
Use of the Ferrocene Oxidation Process To ProvideBoth Reference Electrode Potential Calibrationand a Simple Measurement (via Semiintegration) ofthe Uncompensated Resistance in CyclicVoltammetric Studies in High-Resistance OrganicSolvents
An ICP-OES Method with 0.2 ExpandedUncertainties for the Characterization of LiAlO2
Chemical Vapor Generation: Atomic Absorption byAg, Au, Cu, and Zn Following Reduction of AquoIons with Sodium Tetrahydroborate(III)
Orientation-Insensitive Methodology for SecondHarmonic Generation. 1. Theory
Orientation-Insensitive Methodology for SecondHarmonic Generation. 2. Application to AdsorptionIsotherm and Kinetics Measurements
A/C Educator: Undergraduate research: A capstone learning experience.
Books and Software: Books and Software
Business: PerkinElmer buys NEN.
Analytical Currents: Imaging combinatorial libraries
Analytical Currents: And the weak shall detect
Meetings: IMSC '00
Product Review: Graphite furnace AAS.
Label-Free Biochemical Detection Coupled On-Lineto Liquid Chromatography
Modifier Effects on Column Efficiency inPacked-Column Supercritical FluidChromatography
LC/MS/MS Analyses of an Oleander Extract forCancer Treatment
Computer Simulations of Electrokinetic InjectionTechniques in Microfluidic Devices
Airborne Cell Analysis
Pressurized Fluid Extraction of NonpolarPesticides and Polar Herbicides Using In SituDerivatization
News from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference: Autonomous underwater MS
Meetings: FACSS '00
News from Micro Total Analysis Systems (µTAS) 2000: Driven by shear force.
Capillary Electrophoresis Separations on a PlanarChip with the Column-Coupling Configuration ofthe Separation Channels
Determination of Distribution Constants between aLiquid Polymeric Coating and Water by aSolid-Phase Microextraction Technique with aFlow-Through Standard Water System
Prestructured MALDI-MS Sample Supports
Determination of Selenium(IV) by a Photooxidized3,3‘-Diaminobenzidine/Perfluorinated PolymerMercury Film Electrode
Spectroelectrochemical Sensing Based onMultimode Selectivity Simultaneously Achievablein a Single Device. 6. Sensing with a Mediator
Determination of Distribution Coefficients ofPriority Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons UsingSolid-Phase Microextraction
Analysis of Nonderivatized Neutral and SialylatedOligosaccharides by Electrospray MassSpectrometry
News from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference: Miniature ion trap arrays.
Science: Test tubes without walls.
Synthesis and Application of SubmicrometerFluorescence Sensing Particles for Lysosomal pHMeasurements in Murine Macrophages
A Method for Determination of Particle MagneticSusceptibility with Analytical Magnetapheresis
Business: Millions for more chips.
News from Micro Total Analysis Systems (µTAS) 2000: Microscale muscles.
Fully Automated ChemiluminescenceImmunoassay of Insulin Using Antibody−ProteinA−Bacterial Magnetic Particle Complexes
Thermometric Sensing of Peroxide in OrganicMedia. Application To Monitor the Stability ofRBP−Retinol−HRP Complex
Surface Characterization of Aspirin Crystal Planesby Dynamic Chemical Force Microscopy
Ligand-Exchange Chromatography atZirconium(IV) Immobilized on IDA-Type ChelatingPolymer Gel
Analytical Currents: High-speed AFM in liquids
Peer Reviewed: Advancing Hyphenated Chromatographic Systems.
Quantification of Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons in the NIST Standard ReferenceMaterial (SRM1649A) Urban Dust Using ThermalDesorption GC/MS
Analytical Currents: Fluids on the move
Meetings: ACS in Washington, DC
Meetings: Conferences
New Products: New Products
People: Division awards.
Peer Reviewed: Advancing the Science of Column Selectivity.
Science: Human genome sequenced.
Preparation and Characterization ofThermoresponsivePoly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid)Hydrogels: Studies with Electroactive Probes
Computer-Aided Design and ExperimentalInvestigation of a Hydrodynamic Device: TheMicrowire Electrode
Instrumentation and Methodology forSimultaneous Excitation/Detection of Ions in anFTICR Mass Spectrometer
Lifetime-Based pH Sensor System Based on aPolymer-Supported Ruthenium(II) Complex
Analytical Currents: Single-molecule SNOM
Laboratory Profiles: The Scientific Forensic Service of the Zurich city police have to identify illegal drugs and quickly determine their purity.
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