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Separation and Detection of Intact NoncovalentProtein Complexes from Mixtures by On-LineCapillary Isoelectric Focusing-Mass Spectrometry
Spectroscopic Monitoring of Batch Reactions forOn-Line Fault Detection and Diagnosis
Cryogenic Trapping of Carbonyl Sulfide withoutUsing Expendable Cryogens
Use of High-Performance LiquidChromatography−Tandem Mass Spectrometry ToDistinguish Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer (AsianGinseng) and Panax quinquefolius L. (NorthAmerican Ginseng)
Time-Resolved Fluorescence Imaging of Slab Gelsfor Lifetime Base-Calling in DNA SequencingApplications
Analytical Currents: Chelating thiols as SAMs
Air Sampling with Porous Solid-PhaseMicroextraction Fibers
An Alternative Procedure To Screen MixtureCombinatorial Libraries for Selectors for ChiralChromatography
Think Carefully, and Take More Data.
Electrochemiluminescent Detection ofChlorpromazine by Selective Preconcentration at aLauric Acid-Modified Carbon Paste Electrode UsingTris(2,2‘-bipyridine)ruthenium(II)
Simultaneous Detection and Identification ofO-GlcNAc-Modified Glycoproteins Using LiquidChromatography−Tandem Mass Spectrometry
A Kinetic Study of Mass Transfer inReversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography on aC18-Silica Gel
A Transducer Based on Enzyme-InducedDegradation of Thin Polymer Films Monitored bySurface Plasmon Resonance
A Method for the Determination of BindingConstants by Electrospray Ionization MassSpectrometry
Corona Discharge in Charge ReductionElectrospray Mass Spectrometry
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering: AStructure-Specific Detection Method for CapillaryElectrophoresis
Measurement of Atmospheric Hydrogen Peroxideand Hydroxymethyl Hydroperoxide with a DiffusionScrubber and Light Emitting Diode−Liquid CoreWaveguide-Based Fluorometry
Analytical Currents: New and improved ELISAs
People: CE Award
Surface Modification of Poly(methyl methacrylate)Used in the Fabrication of Microanalytical Devices
Analytical Currents: Flow cytometry-based biosensor
Dynamics of Capillary Isoelectric Focusing in theAbsence of Fluid Flow: High-Resolution ComputerSimulation and Experimental Validation withWhole Column Optical Imaging
Noncontact Infrared-Mediated Thermocycling forEffective Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplificationof DNA in Nanoliter Volumes
A Microfabricated Fluidic Device for PerformingTwo-Dimensional Liquid-Phase Separations
Retention of Ionizable Compounds on HPLC. 5. pHScales and the Retention of Acids and Bases withAcetonitrile−Water Mobile Phases
Band Spreading in Two-Dimensional MicrochannelTurns for Electrokinetic Species Transport
Books and Software: Books and Software
Analytical Currents: Single ion channel sensor
Taming Turns in Microchannels.
Meeting News: CE for single cell analysis
Tripodal Ionophore with Sulfate RecognitionProperties for Anion-Selective Electrodes
Electrochemical Behavior of Polyphenol OxidaseImmobilized in Self-Assembled Structures Layer byLayer with Cationic Polyallylamine
Analysis of the Photodecomposition Products ofRu(bpy)32+ in Various Buffers and upon ZeoliteEncapsulation
Identification of Chiral Selectors from a200-Member Parallel Combinatorial Library
Cleavage and Identification of Proteins: AModified Aspartyl−Prolyl Cleavage
Programmable Control of Column Selectivity forTemperature-Programmed GC
Expediting the Method Development and QualityControl of Reversed-Phase Liquid ChromatographyElectrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry forPharmaceutical Analysis by Using an LC/MSPerformance Test Mix
Tandem-Cartridge Solid-Phase Extraction Followedby GC/MS Analysis for Measuring PartitionCoefficients of Association of Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons to Humic Acid
Nonlinear Chemical Imaging Microscopy: Near-Field Third Harmonic Generation Imaging ofHuman Red Blood Cells
Amperometric Ultramicrosensors for PeroxynitriteDetection and Its Application toward SingleMyocardial Cells
A Combinatorial Approach To Discover NewChelators for Optical Metal Ion Sensing
Analytical Currents: Small molecule microarrays
Analytical Currents: Attomole peptide characterization
Meetings: Conferences
Meeting News: Searching for new ionization sources
Research Profiles: Probing antibiotic resistance.
Fluorescence Lifetime for On-the-Fly MultiplexDetection of DNA Restriction Fragments inCapillary Electrophoresis
Immunologic Trapping in Supported LiquidMembrane Extraction
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the LaserDisintegration of Aerosol Particles
Analytical Currents: Nanojets
Meeting News: Monitoring gene expression with SPR
People: 2000-01 DAC officers
Analysis of SulfonatedNaphthalene−Formaldehyde Condensates byIon-Pair Chromatography and Their QuantitativeDetermination from Aqueous EnvironmentalSamples
Speciation of Key Arsenic Metabolic Intermediatesin Human Urine
Chiral Analysis by Electrospray Ionization MassSpectrometry/Mass Spectrometry. 1. ChiralRecognition of 19 Common Amino Acids
Pitfalls in the Toxicological Analysis of an IsobutylNitrite-Adulterated Coffee Drink
Peer Reviewed: Sol-Gels and Electrochemistry: Research at the Intersection.
An On-Line Protein Digestion Device for RapidPeptide Mapping by Electrospray MassSpectrometry
Reversed-Phase Capillary Liquid ChromatographyCoupled On-Line to Capillary ElectrophoresisImmunoassays
Analytical Currents: Protein microarrays
QSRR Prediction of Chromatographic Retention ofEthynyl-Substituted PAH from SemiempiricallyComputed Solute Descriptors
Effective Capillary Electrophoresis-BasedHeteroduplex Analysis through Optimization ofSurface Coating and Polymer Networks
Uniform-Sized Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for2-Arylpropionic Acid Derivatives SelectivelyModified with Hydrophilic External Layer and TheirApplications to Direct Serum Injection Analysis
Crown Ether-Doped Sol−Gel Materials forStrontium(II) Separation
Enhancement of CsNO3 Extraction in1,2-Dichloroethane by Tris(2-aminoethyl)amineTriamide Derivatives via a Dual-Host Strategy
Diffusion of Redox Probes in HydratedSol−Gel-Derived Glasses
New Products: New Products
Product Review: HPLC and the Ever Popular LC/MS.
Allele-Specific HLA-DR Typing by MassSpectrometry: An Alternative toHybridization-Based Typing Methods
Gold Electrodes from Recordable CDs
Voltammetry on Microfluidic Chip Platforms
Silver Ion-Selective Electrodes Using π-CoordinateCalix[4]arene Derivatives as Soft Neutral Carriers
Atmospheric Pressure MALDI/Ion Trap MassSpectrometry
In AC Research: In AC Research
Meeting News: Q-TOF tackles virus
Research Profiles: Improved CE/MALDI-TOF MS interface.
A Fluorescent Indicator for DetectingProtein−Protein Interactions in Vivo Based onProtein Splicing
Chiral Analysis by Electrospray Ionization MassSpectrometry/Mass Spectrometry. 2.Determination of Enantiomeric Excess of AminoAcids
Peer Reviewed: Can Affinity Sensors Be Used To Detect Food Contaminants?
Analytical Currents: Perchlorate in the environment
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