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American Chemical Society
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Analysis of CheA Histidine Phosphorylation and ItsInfluence on Protein Stability by High-ResolutionElement and Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Tackling Calibration Problems of SpectroscopicAnalysis in High-Throughput Experimentation
Nanogold Plasmon Resonance-Based GlucoseSensing. 2. Wavelength-Ratiometric ResonanceLight Scattering
Traceability of Single-Element Calibration Solutions
Characterization and Matching of Oil SamplesUsing Fluorescence Spectroscopy and ParallelFactor Analysis
Spectroelectrochemical Microscopy: SpatiallyResolved Spectroelectrochemistry ofCarrier-Based Ion-Selective Membranes
Quantitative Analysis of 39 PolybrominatedDiphenyl Ethers by Isotope Dilution GC/Low-Resolution MS
Kinetics of Anion Transfer across theLiquid | Liquid Interface of a Thin Organic FilmModified Electrode, Studied by Means ofSquare-Wave Voltammetry
Integration of Valving and Sensing on aCapillary-Assembled Microchip
Validation of Accuracy of Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbent Assay in Hybridoma Screening andProposal of an Improved Screening Method
Comparison of Photophysical and ColloidalProperties of Biocompatible SemiconductorNanocrystals Using Fluorescence CorrelationSpectroscopy
The Chemical Fertilizer Called New Space
Identification of Molecular Target ofAMP-activated Protein Kinase Activator by AffinityPurification and Mass Spectrometry
Photoresponsive Liquid Membrane Transport ofAlkali Metal Ions Using Crowned Spirobenzopyrans
Saliva reveals all
The automated union of LC and MALDI MS
Automated Quantitative Analysis of ComplexLipidomes by Liquid Chromatography/MassSpectrometry
Metal Salts for Molecular Ion Yield Enhancementin Organic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: ACritical Assessment
Stop-Flow Programmable Selectivity with aDual-Column Ensemble of Microfabricated EtchedSilicon Columns and Air as Carrier Gas
Single-Photon Ionization Quadrupole MassSpectrometry with an Electron Beam PumpedExcimer Light Source
Metabolomic Analysis of Eukaryotic Tissue andProkaryotes Using Negative Mode MALDITime-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Chiral Stationary Phase Based on a Biostablel-RNA Aptamer
HPLC Separation of Different Generations ofPoly(amidoamine) Dendrimers Modified withVarious Terminal Groups
Polymer Nanochannels Fabricated byThermomechanical Deformation forSingle-Molecule Analysis
Selective Extraction of Trace Levels ofPolychlorinated and Polybrominated Contaminantsby Supercritical Fluid-Solid-Phase Microextractionand Determination by Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry. Application to Aquaculture FishFeed and Cultured Marine Species
Zare to receive 2005 Wolf Prize in Chemistry. | Ligler and Whitesides elected to NAE.
Headspace Water-Based Liquid-PhaseMicroextraction
Sheathless Capillary Electrophoresis/ElectrosprayIonization Mass Spectrometry Using a Pulled BareFused-Silica Capillary as the Electrospray Emitter
Enzyme Immobilization in Porous Silicon: Quantitative Analysis of the Kinetic Parameters forGlutathione-S-transferases
Direct Determination of Peracetic Acid, HydrogenPeroxide, and Acetic Acid in Disinfectant Solutionsby Far-Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy
Electrostatic Contributions to Protein Retention inIon-Exchange Chromatography. 2. Proteins withVarious Degrees of Structural Differences
Microarrays for drug screening
Quantitative Measurement of DNA Adducts UsingNeutral Hydrolysis and LC−MS. Validation ofGenotoxicity Sensors
Permeability of the Nuclear Envelope at IsolatedXenopus Oocyte Nuclei Studied by ScanningElectrochemical Microscopy
Development of Mild Extraction Methods for theAnalysis of Natural Dyes in Textiles of HistoricalInterest Using LC-Diode Array Detector-MS
The Magic of Cluster SIMS
Dropping in on single cells
Data Analysis for a Dual-Channel Virus Counter
Liquid Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry and15N Metabolic Labeling for Quantitative MetabolicProfiling
Ultrasensitive Detection of Protein Usingan Aptamer-Based Exonuclease ProtectionAssay
Development of a Microchip-Based BioassaySystem Using Cultured Cells
Quantitative Proteomic Analysis by Accurate MassRetention Time Pairs
High-Performance Genetic Analysis onMicrofabricated Capillary Array ElectrophoresisPlastic Chips Fabricated by Injection Molding
Determination of Fractional Synthesis Rates ofMouse Hepatic Proteins via Metabolic13C-Labeling, MALDI-TOF MS and Analysis ofRelative Isotopologue Abundances Using AverageMasses
Coumarin Tags for Analysis of Peptides byMALDI-TOF MS and MS/MS. 2. Alexa Fluor 350 Tagfor Increased Peptide and Protein Identification byLC-MALDI-TOF/TOF MS
DNA Aptamer-Based Bioanalysis of IgE byFluorescence Anisotropy
Simultaneous Analysis of2-Aminopyridine-Derivatized Neutral and SialylatedOligosaccharides from Human Serum in theNegative-Ion Mode by Sonic Spray Ionization IonTrap Mass Spectrometry
Simulation of Evolution-Selected Propeptide byHigh-Throughput Selection of a PeptidomimeticInhibitor on a Capillary DNA Sequencer Platform
Effect of Model Ligands on Iron Redox Speciationin Natural Waters Using Flow Injection withLuminol Chemiluminescence Detection
Mesoporous membrane biosensor. | Measuring intramolecular distances. | Nanotubes made of proteins. | Protein biomarker for Alzheimer's. | Microcoil NMR on a chip. | ESI chip for glycoconjugates. | SERRS activity of silver nanoparticles. | Grafting biomolecules to gold surfaces. | New LC/MS ionization source for nonpolar compounds.
Real-Time Protein Kinase Assay
Improvement in Peptide Detection for ProteomicsAnalyses Using NanoLC−MS and High-FieldAsymmetry Waveform Ion Mobility MassSpectrometry
Oligomerized Phospholipid Bilayers asSemipermanent Coatings in CapillaryElectrophoresis
Resin Bead Micro-UV−Visible AbsorptionSpectroscopy
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