| - We developed a reliable but simple integration methodof polymeric nanostructure in a poly(dimethylsiloxane)(PDMS)-based microfluidic channel, for nanofluidic applications. The Nafion polymer junction was creased byinfiltrating polymer solution between the gaps created bymechanical cutting, without any photolithography or etching processes. The PDMS can seal itself with the heterogeneous polymeric nanoporous material between thePDMS/PDMS gap due to its flexibility without any (covalent) bonding between PDMS and the polymer materials.Thus, one can easily integrate the nanoporous-junctioninto a PDMS microchip in a leak-free manner withexcellent repeatability. We demonstrated nanofluidic preconcentration of proteins (β-phycoerythrin) using thedevice. Because the polymeric junction spans across theentire microchannel height, the preconcentration wasachieved with high-pressure field or even in large channels, with the dimensions of 1000 μm width × 100 μmdepth.