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The Promiseof Phage Display: Customized Affinity and Specificity
Direct Introduction of Biological Samples into aLTQ-Orbitrap Hybrid Mass Spectrometer as a Toolfor Fast Metabolome Analysis
Dynamic Measurement of Altered ChemicalMessenger Secretion after Cellular Uptake ofNanoparticles Using Carbon-Fiber MicroelectrodeAmperometry
Force required to move an atom or molecule | High-throughput encapsulation and passive sorting of single cells | NMR metabonomic profiling of bipolar disorder | A NIMS enzyme assay | New mechanism proposed for corona-ion-dependent signal enhancement | No MAGIC in Science paper | Shape and volume affect biochemical reactions | A new optical technique for breath analysis | Single-particle counting of quantum dots | Microfabricated zone plate for optical trapping
Quantitative Surface Acoustic Wave DetectionBased on Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles and TheirBioconjugates
Separation and Characterization of an IgG2Antibody Containing a Cyclic Imide in CDR1 ofLight Chain by Hydrophobic InteractionChromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Organochlorine Pesticides by LC−MS
Polypyrrole Oligosaccharide Array and SurfacePlasmon Resonance Imaging for the Measurementof Glycosaminoglycan Binding Interactions
Tandem Mass SpectrometryCharacteristics of Silver-CationizedPolystyrenes: Backbone Degradation viaFree Radical Chemistry
Taking video across the diffraction barrier
On the trail of a core proteome for bacteria
Creationism creeps in
Development of a High-Affinity Anti-Domoic AcidSheep scFv and its Use in Detection of the Toxin inShellfish
Simultaneous Determination of Ozone andCarbonyls Using trans-1,2-Bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene asan Ozone Scrubber for2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine-Impregnated SilicaCartridge
96-Well Polycarbonate-Based Microfluidic TiterPlate for High-Throughput Purification of DNA andRNA
SFC: Embraced by industry but spurned by academia
Enrichment by Organomercurial Agarose andIdentification of Cys-Containing Peptides fromYeast Cell Lysates
Emerging Use of Isotope Ratio MassSpectrometry as a Tool for Discrimination of3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine by SyntheticRoute
Low-Cost Printing of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)Barriers To Define Microchannels in Paper
Capillary Electrophoresis-Fourier Transform IonCyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry for theIdentification of Cationic Metabolites via apH-Mediated Stacking-Transient IsotachophoreticMethod
CS-Eye: Copenhagen
Capillary Electrophoresis Frontal Analysis forCharacterization of αvβ3 Integrin BindingInteractions
Fully Automated Determination in the LowNanogram per Liter Level of Different Classes ofDrugs of Abuse in Sewage Water by On-LineSolid-Phase Extraction-LiquidChromatography−Electrospray-Tandem MassSpectrometry
Generation of Local Concentration Gradients byGas−Liquid Contacting
Assaying Small-Molecule−Receptor Interactionsby Continuous Flow Competitive DisplacementChromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. 60.Quantitative Calibration of the SECM SubstrateGeneration/Tip Collection Mode and Its Use for theStudy of the Oxygen Reduction Mechanism
Enzymatic Reactions in Microfluidic Devices: Michaelis−Menten Kinetics
Raman Multiplexers for Alternative Gene Splicing
Thermogravimetry Coupled to Single PhotonIonization Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry: A ToolTo Investigate the Chemical Signature of ThermalDecomposition of Polymeric Materials
One-Step Sampling, Extraction, and StorageProtocol for Peptidomics Using DihydroxybenzoicAcid
Self-Sealed Vertical PolymericNanoporous-Junctions for High-ThroughputNanofluidic Applications
Maximizing Coverage of GlycosylationHeterogeneity in MALDI-MS Analysis ofGlycoproteins with Up to 27 Glycosylation Sites
Application of the FLIPSY Pulse Sequence forIncreased Sensitivity in 1H NMR-Based MetabolicProfiling Studies
Depth Profiling of Organic Films with X-rayPhotoelectron Spectroscopy Using C60+ and Ar+Co-Sputtering
Identification of the Carboxylic Acid Functionalityby Using Electrospray Ionization and Ion−MoleculeReactions in a Modified Linear Quadrupole IonTrap Mass Spectrometer
Utility of Immonium Ions for Assignment ofε-N-Acetyllysine-Containing Peptides by TandemMass Spectrometry
Characterization of Polyubiquitin Chain Structureby Middle-down Mass Spectrometry
Sizing Subcellular Organelles and NanoparticlesConfined within Aqueous Droplets
ASMS Technical Program
Fast Electrophoretic Separation OptimizationUsing Gradient Micro Free-Flow Electrophoresis
Routine Femtogram-Level Chemical AnalysesUsing Vibrational Spectroscopy and Self-CleaningScanning Probe Microscopy Tips
Spectrally Resolved Fluorescence CorrelationSpectroscopy Based on Global Analysis
Development of an Electrochemical OxidationMethod for Probing Higher Order Protein Structurewith Mass Spectrometry
On-Chip Isoelectric Focusing UsingPhotopolymerized Immobilized pH Gradients
Hydrophilic Interaction LiquidChromatography−Tandem Mass SpectrometryDetermination of Estrogen Conjugates in HumanUrine
Tunable Photochromism of Spirobenzopyran viaSelective Metal Ion Coordination: An EfficientVisual and Ratioing Fluorescent Probe for DivalentCopper Ion
Top-down MS picking up speed
Rapidly Alternating Transmission ModeElectron-Transfer Dissociation and CollisionalActivation for the Characterization of PolypeptideIons
Measurements of the 17O Excess in Water with theEquilibration Method
Electrospray Micromixer Chip for On-LineDerivatization and Kinetic Studies
Increase of Reaction Rate and Sensitivity ofLow-Abundance Enzyme Assay Using Micro/Nanofluidic Preconcentration Chip
Hunting the elusive D-amino acid
Theory and Simulation of Diffusion−Reaction intoNano- and Mesoporous Structures. ExperimentalApplication to Sequestration of Mercury(II)
Chemically Selective Displacers forHigh-Resolution Protein Separations inIon-Exchange Systems: Effect ofDisplacer−Protein Interactions
Amine-Capped ZnS−Mn2+ Nanocrystals forFluorescence Detection of Trace TNT Explosive
Liquid crystals provide new twist on patterned surface analysis
Optical Biosensor Based On Hollow IntegratedWaveguides
Assay To Screen for Molecules That Associatewith Alzheimer's Related β-Amyloid Fibrils
An Equilibrium Method for Continuous-Flow CellSorting Using Dielectrophoresis
Feasibility of Analyzing Fine Particulate Matter inAir Using Solid-Phase Extraction Membranes andDynamic Subcritical Water Extraction
Two-Dimensional Method for Time Aligning LiquidChromatography−Mass Spectrometry Data
Near-Infrared Spectropolarimetry Based onAcousto-Optical Tunable Filters
Formation of High-Mass Cluster Ions fromCompound Semiconductors Using Time-of-FlightSecondary Ion Mass Spectrometry with ClusterPrimary Ions
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