| - Cadmium selenide quantum dots have been studied by EXAFS. The coating of this material involves tri-n-octylphosphine and tri-n-octylphosphine oxide.
- The synthesis and study of so-called “nanoparticles”, particles with diameters in the rangeof 1−20 nm, has become a major interdisciplinary area of research over the past 10 years.Semiconductor nanoparticles promise to play a major role in several new technologies. Theintense interest in this area derives from their unique chemical and electronic properties,which gives rise to their potential use in the fields of nonlinear optics, luminescence,electronics, catalysis, solar energy conversion, and optoelectronics, as well as other areas.The small dimensions of these particles result in different physical properties from thoseobserved in the corresponding macrocrystalline, “bulk”, material. As particle sizes becomesmaller, the ratio of surface atoms to those in the interior increase, leading to the surfaceproperties playing an important role in the properties of the material. Semiconductornanoparticles also exhibit a change in their electronic properties relative to that of the bulkmaterial; as the size of the solid becomes smaller, the band gap becomes larger. This allowschemists and material scientists the unique opportunity to change the electronic and chemicalproperties of a material simply by controlling its particle size. Research has already led tothe fabrication of a number of devices. This review aims to highlight recent advances in thesynthesis of compound semiconductor nanoparticle materials and their potential use in areassuch as catalysis and electronic device fabrication.