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by the American Chemical Society
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Effect of Substitution on the Electrochemical andXerographic Properties of Triarylamines: Correlation tothe Hammett Parameter of the Substituent andCalculated HOMO Energy Level
Trapping Dendrimers in Inorganic Matrices: DAB-Am-n/Zinc Arsenate Composites
Investigating the Properties of NovelPoly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-methylmethacrylate) Hydrogel Hollow Fiber Membranes
Solvothermal Azide Decomposition Route to GaNNanoparticles, Nanorods, and Faceted Crystallites
Gold-Nanocluster-Doped Inorganic−Organic HybridCoatings on Polycarbonate and Isolation of Shaped GoldMicrocrystals from the Coating Sol
Inclusion Potential, Polymorphism, and MolecularIsomerism of Metal Dibenzoylmethanates Coordinatedwith 2-Methylpyridine
New Tellurites: Syntheses, Structures, andCharacterization of K2Te4O9·3.2H2O, KGaTe6O14, andKGaTe2O6·1.8H2O
Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Carbon-RichCyclopolymers for 193 nm Microlithography
Construction of Two- and Three-DimensionalCoordination Polymers from Cobalt Trimesate
Gold−Titania Core−Shell Nanoparticles byPolyelectrolyte Complexation with aTitania Precursor
Synthesis, Characterization, and Electronic Structure of a New Molybdenum Bronze SnMo4O6.
An Efficient Process of Cross-Linking Poly(methylsilane)for SiC Ceramics
Structure of NaBi3V2O10 and Implicationsfor Ionic Conductivity
Single-Step Preparation of Oxide−OxideNanocomposites: Chemical Vapor Synthesis ofLnAlO3/Al2O3 (Ln = Pr, Nd) Thin Films
Mechanical Properties of anInorganic−Organic Hybrid PolymerCross-linked by the ClusterZr4O2(methacrylate)12
Sonochemical Preparationand Catalytic Behavior of Highly Dispersed PalladiumNanoparticles on Alumina.
Mesoporous Organosilicas Prepared withPEO-Containing Triblock Copolymers withDifferent Hydrophobic Moieties
Synthesis of Tetraorganylborate Salts: Photogenerationof Tertiary Amines
Open-Framework Borophosphates: (NH4)0.4FeII0.55FeIII0.5(H2O)2[BP2O8]·0.6H2O andNH4FeIII[BP2O8(OH)]
Dispersion Behaviors of Copper Oxide on the Mixed“CeO2 + γ-Al2O3” Support
Atomic Force Microscopy and Infrared SpectroscopyStudies of the Thermal Degradation of Nomex AramidFibers
2-Methyl-1-hexen-3-yne Lewis Base Stabilizedβ-Diketonate Copper(I) Complexes: X-ray Structures,Theoretical Study, and Low-Temperature ChemicalVapor Deposition of Copper Metal
Synthesis of Silver and Copper Nanoparticles in aWater-in-Supercritical-Carbon Dioxide Microemulsion
6P7/2-Excited-State Decay Mechanism andEnergy-Transfer Processes in KMgF3:Eu2+ andKMgF3:Eu−X (X = Gd, Ce, Cr)
Brominated Polyaniline
Electrical and Microstructural Aging of PorousLanthanum Strontium Manganite/Yttria-Doped CubicZirconia Electrodes
New Approaches to Surface-Alkoxylated Silica withIncreased Hydrolytic Stability
Synthesis and Characterization of Organosilicon Sheetand Tube Polymers
Mild Hydrothermal-Reduction Synthesis and MössbauerStudy of Low-Dimensional Iron ChalcogenideMicrocrystals and Single Crystals
Effect of Matrix Aging on the Behavior of Human SerumAlbumin Entrapped in a TetraethylOrthosilicate-Derived Glass
Synthesis and Characterization of Resol Type PhenolicResin/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites
UV Raman Spectroscopy of Single-Walled CarbonNanotubes
Wet-Chemical Route for the Preparation of LeadZirconate: An Amorphous Carbon- and Halide-FreePrecursor Synthesized by the Hydrogen Peroxide BasedRoute
Structure Prediction Using Our Semiempirical StructureMap: The Crystal Structure of the New Arsenide ZrTiAs
In Situ Studies of Nitridation of Zirconia (ZrO2)
A Standard Addition Technique To Quantify PhotoacidGeneration in Chemically Amplified Photoresist
Cyclodextrin-based Porous Silica Materials as in SituChemical “Nanoreactors” for the Preparation of VariableMetal−Silica Hybrids
Electrical, Optical, and Scanning Tunneling MicroscopicStudies on Layer Type CdIn2S4-xSex (1.75 ≤ x ≤ 2.75)
Rigid Chiral Building Blocks for Copper(II)- andPalladium(II)-Containing Liquid Crystals
Ferroelectric Alignment of NLOChromophores in Layered InorganicLattices: Structure of a StilbazoliumMetal−Oxalate from Powder DiffractionData
Apatite Crystallization in an Aluminosilicate GlassMatrix: Mechanistic Studies by X-ray PowderDiffraction, Thermal Analysis, and MultinuclearSolid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Macrodefect-Free Cements: The Effect of ChemicalComposition on Microstructure
Manganese Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes: Synthesis,Characterization, and Electrochemistry
A Novel Triphenylamine-SubstitutedPoly(p-phenylenevinylene): ImprovedPhoto- and Electroluminescent Properties
Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and TopologicalRearrangement of a Novel Open Framework U−OMaterial: (NH4)3(H2O)2{[(UO2)10O10(OH)][(UO4)(H2O)2]}
Synthesis of a Hemicyanine Dye Bearing Two CarboxylicGroups and Its Use as a Photosensitizer inDye-Sensitized Photoelectrochemical Cells
Molecular Crystal Architecture and Optical Properties ofa Thiohelicenes Series Containing 5, 7, 9, and 11 RingsPrepared via Photochemical Synthesis
Intermolecular Dimerization within Pillared, LayeredClay Templates
Oxide-Free Phosphate Surface Films on Metals Studiedby Core and Valence Band X-ray PhotoelectronSpectroscopy
Effect of Plasticizing Dopants on SpectroscopicProperties, Supramolecular Structure, and ElectricalTransport in Metallic Polyaniline
Synthesis of Aluminum Nitride Nanowires from CarbonNanotubes
Electrochemical Deposition of BaSO4 Coatings onStainless Steel Substrates
Microporous Decatungstates: Synthesis andPhotochemical Behavior
Electrodeposition of NanostructuredMesoporous Selenium Films (HI-eSe)
Influence of Processing Conditions on Structures of 3DOrdered Macroporous Metals Prepared by ColloidalCrystal Templating
Secondary Au−Au and Sn−Sn Interactions in theSuperstructure of YbAuSnMissing Link in the Series ofKHg2 Superstructures
A New Polymorph of ZrW2O8 Synthesized at HighPressures and High Temperatures
Nanocrystalline Semiconductors: Synthesis, Properties,and Perspectives
Evaluation of the in Situ Polymerization Kinetics for theGelcasting of Ceramic Foams
Rigid-Core Oligothiophene-S,S-dioxides with HighPhotoluminescence Efficiencies Both in Solution and inthe Solid State
High Internal Stresses in Sr1-xLa1+xAl1-xMgxO4 SolidSolution (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.7) Characterized by Infrared andRaman Spectroscopies Coupled with Crystal StructureRefinement
A Novel Cobalt(II) Vanadophosphate with a QuasiZeolithic Intersecting Tunnel Structure:NH4Co2(H2O)2HVO2(PO4)2
Structural Characteristics of Cerium Oxide NanocrystalsPrepared by the Microemulsion Method
Photoluminescent Polymer/Quantum Dot CompositeNanoparticles
A New and Easy Method for Making Ni and CuMicrotubules and Their Regularly Assembled Structures
Surface Characterization of the Spinel LixMn2O4 Cathodebefore and after Storage at Elevated Temperatures
Synthesis and Structure Determination of ETS-4 SingleCrystals
Microlithographic Assessment of a Novel Family ofTransparent and Etch-Resistant Chemically Amplified193-nm Resists Based on Cyclopolymers
Probing the Structure of Immobilized Metal Sites inPorous Organic Hosts by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Synthesis and Characterization of the FirstLiquid Single-Source Precursors for theDeposition of Ternary Chalcopyrite(CuInS2) Thin Film Materials
Charge Homogeneity in Synthetic Fluorohectorite
Enthalpies of Oxidation of CaMnO3-δ, Ca2MnO4-δ andSrMnO3-δ Deduced Redox Properties
Low-Temperature Synthesis of TiC, Mo2C, and W2C fromModulated Elemental Reactants
Nanostructured Pt-Doped Tin Oxide Films: Sol−GelPreparation, Spectroscopic and ElectricalCharacterization
Synthesis and Characterization of New DoubleTungstates Li2MII(WO4)2 (M = Co, Ni, and Cu)
Two-Photon Absorption and Excited-StateEnergy-Transfer Properties of a New MultibranchedMolecule
Thermal Annealing Effects on Structure and Morphologyof Micrometer-Sized Carbon Tubes
Persulfate−Amine Initiation Systems for Gelcasting ofCeramic Foams
Efficient Cyano-ContainingElectron-Transporting Polymers forLight-Emitting Diodes
Investigation of Binary and Ternary Cu−V−Ce Oxides byX-ray Diffraction, Thermal Analysis, and ElectronParamagnetic Resonance
Anchoring of Phosphonate and Phosphinate CouplingMolecules on Titania Particles
Fabrication and Structural Characterization ofLarge-Scale Uniform SnO2 Nanowire Array Embedded inAnodic Alumina Membrane
Self-Passivation of Polymer-Layered SilicateNanocomposites
Preparation of Nanocrystalline Molybdenum Disilicide(MoSi2) by a Chlorine-Transfer Reaction
Highly Functionalized Carbon NanotubesUsing in Situ Generated DiazoniumCompounds
Influence of Hydrogen Incorporation on the Structureand Stoichiometry of Chemically Vapor Deposited SilicaFilms
Amorphous Poly-2,7-fluorene Networks
Stabilization of the n = 3 Ruddlesden−Popper Phases: Sr4Mn3-xFexO10-δ and Sr4-yCayMn3O10-δ
“One-Pot” Preparation of Polymer/ClayNanocomposites Starting from Na+Montmorillonite. 1. Melt Intercalation ofEthylene−Vinyl Acetate Copolymer
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