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À propos de : Influence of Hydrogen Incorporation on the Structureand Stoichiometry of Chemically Vapor Deposited SilicaFilms        

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  • Influence of Hydrogen Incorporation on the Structureand Stoichiometry of Chemically Vapor Deposited SilicaFilms
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  • Hydrogen incorporation into SiO2 films grown by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition(CVD) from SiH4/O2 mixtures is investigated by means of infrared spectroscopy (IRS), nuclearmagnetic resonance (NMR), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), X-ray photoemissionspectroscopy (XPS), and nuclear reaction analysis (NRA). We find that hydrogen atoms arepreferentially bonded to O atoms, forming bulk SiOH groups, either isolated or clustered,and H2O groups, with a minor incorporation of SiH groups, as well as geminal and surfaceisolated SiOH groups. The proportion of clustered SiOH groups decreases upon increasingthe deposition temperature, which has been attributed to the faster dehydroxylation reactionsand higher surface mobility of the hydrogenated species involved in the film growth. Usinga novel method based on the combination of NRA and ERDA, we verify quantitatively thatthe predominance of O−H over Si−H bonding implies a slight overstoichiometric character(O/Si atomic ratio > 2) that is accentuated with increasing OH concentration.
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