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À propos de : Wet-Chemical Route for the Preparation of LeadZirconate: An Amorphous Carbon- and Halide-FreePrecursor Synthesized by the Hydrogen Peroxide BasedRoute        

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  • Wet-Chemical Route for the Preparation of LeadZirconate: An Amorphous Carbon- and Halide-FreePrecursor Synthesized by the Hydrogen Peroxide BasedRoute
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  • PbZrO3 (PZ) nanoparticles were synthesized through a halide- and organic-free hydrogenperoxide method at 700 °C for 2 h. Stoichiometric amounts of zirconyl nitrate and lead nitratewere dissolved in a diluted H2O2 (aqueous) solution, which was slowly dropped into a solutionof H2O2 and NH3 (pH = 11). The precipitate of Pb−Zr, obtained from an exothermic oxy-reduction reaction, was filtered and washed to eliminate all nitrate ions. The precipitatewas dried, ground, and calcined between 300 and 1000 °C, for 5 min to 8 h. Tetragonal,lead-rich zirconia solid solution (t-Z) was identified by thermogravimetry−differential thermalanalysis, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy as an intermediate phase during thecalcination process, followed by the crystallization of the orthorhombic PZ phase. The averageparticle size was estimated to be 50 nm from scanning electron microscopy pictures. Thechange in the amount of residual t-Z phase in PZ powders was estimated from the Ramanspectra.
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