| - Several 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, 4-sulfo, 1,2-di(alkyl), or di(alkoxy) esters were synthesized and tested as plasticizing dopants which lead to solution processible (via counterion)polyaniline with improved mechanical properties and metallic-type conductivity. As evidencedby wide-angle X-ray diffraction and small-angle X-ray scattering studies, PANI doped withthe above dopants shows in the solid state a layered type of structural organization withthe chain−dopant−chain distance clearly correlated with the length of the alkyl substituentin the dopant. The addition of an external plasticizer of the type of dioctyl phthalate ortritolyl phosphate to PANI doped with the above diesters improves both the molecularordering and the metallic behavior of the material. The largest range of metallic type ofconductivity was found for di-butoxyethyl ester doped-PANI. Solution processibility of PANIcan also be improved by the application of a new procedure called “mixed-doping” whichinvolves Brönsted acid doping followed by Lewis acid one.