| - This paper develops experimental protocols for evaluatingthe impact of physicochemical mass transfer phenomenaon bioavailability and biotreatment rates in slurrysystemscontaining multi-component non-aqueous-phase liquids (NAPLs). The experiments are conducted with two coal tarNAPL samples obtained from field sites. Experimentalevaluations consist of abiotic mass transfer tests andindependentbiomineralization studies. The mass transfer testsmeasure equilibrium partitioning, dynamic changes inequilibrium partitioning, and dissolution kinetics for twopolynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds, naphthalene and phenanthrene, released from coal tar NAPLin solid−slurry and liquid−liquid dispersion systems.Companion bimineralization tests assess initial rates ofmineralization of naphthalene from coal tar NAPL. Theresults are used to evaluate the performance of adissolution−degradation model, developed in theprecedingpaper, that addresses mass transfer and initialbiodegradation rates of PAH compounds in multi-component coal tar(NAPL)−slurry systems. It is shown that independentequilibrium and kinetic dissolution tests aid inquantifyingPAH bioavailability and potential initialbiotransformationrates.