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Pb Isotopic Composition of AirborneParticulate Material from France andthe Southern United Kingdom: Implications for Pb PollutionSources in Urban Areas
Role of Carbonation in TransientLeaching of CementitiousWasteforms
Kinetics of Carbon TetrachlorideReduction at an Oxide-Free IronElectrode
Letters: Corrections
Research Watch: Particulate transport of PAHs into the aquatic environment
Peer Reviewed: Environmental Models Undergo International Test
Meeting Calendar: Meeting Calendar
Optimization of Ultrasonic Irradiationas an Advanced OxidationTechnology
Nonequilibrium Transport of ReactiveSolutes through Layered Soil Profileswith Depth-Dependent Adsorption
Identification of Exxon Valdez Oilin Sediments and Tissues fromPrince William Sound and theNorthwestern Gulf of Alaska Basedon a PAH Weathering Model
Letters: Certification program overlooked
Research Watch: Structure of PHA films
Research Watch: Testing EPA methods
EPA Watch: States, EPA agree to measure progress
EPA Watch: Closure of N.Y.-N.J. dump provides only partial solution
Canada "verifies" first environmental technologies
Environmental Policy Analysis, Peer Reviewed: Fallacies in Ecological Risk Assessment Practices
Transport in HydrophobizedMontmorillonite Thin Films
Effect of Chlorinated Ethenes on Sminfor a Methanotrophic Mixed Culture
Risk of Nitrate in Groundwaters ofthe United StatesA NationalPerspective
Historical Trends in OrganochlorineCompounds in River BasinsIdentified Using Sediment Coresfrom Reservoirs
To the Green Chemistry Heroes
Research Watch: Pigeons as biomarkers
Research Watch: Atrazine-degrading enzyme
Research Watch: How white rot works
Technology Update: Advanced bioremediation model due this fall
States pushing for greater regulatory flexibility from EPA
California considers tougher diesel exhaust rule
Evaluation of Digestion Proceduresfor Determining Silver in Musselsand Oysters
Effect of Sulfur Impregnation Methodon Activated Carbon Uptake ofGas-Phase Mercury
Research Watch: Hydrolytic degradation
Technology Update: Biotrickling filter removes styrene
Technology Update: Bioluminescent bacteria "on a chip" developed
EPA Watch: Hazardous waste facilities should avoid sensitive areas
National Research Council recommends sweeping changes to promote technologies
Nitrous Oxide Emissions and theUse of Wetlands for Water QualityAmelioration
Effect of Rhamnolipids on theDissolution, Bioavailability, andBiodegradation of Phenanthrene
Conversion of Nicotine in TobaccoSmoke to Its Volatile and AvailableFree-Base Form through the Actionof Gaseous Ammonia
EPA Watch: Agreement targets Cryptosporidium in drinking water
"Accelerated" Department of Energy cleanup plan draws criticism
California's Prop 65: A Better Way to Regulate?
Irreversible Adsorption ofNaphthalene and Tetrachlorobiphenylto Lula and Surrogate Sediments
Reaction of Naphthalene and ItsDerivatives with Hydroxyl Radicals inthe Gas Phase
Gas Phase Reaction of Alkenes withOzone: Formation Yields of PrimaryCarbonyls and Biradicals
Research Watch: Heavy-metal anaysis of shellfish
Modeling Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the VadoseZone with GIS
Diffusion of Volatile OrganicCompounds in Pressed Humic AcidDisks
Research Watch: Carbon pools
Research Watch: Asthma and particulates
EPA pilot program would allow states to use confidential data in risk assessments
Mass Transfer and Bioavailability ofPAH Compounds in Coal TarNAPL−Slurry Systems. 2.Experimental Evaluations
Photoelectrochemical Degradation of4-Chlorocatechol at TiO2 Electrodes: Comparison between Sorption andPhotoreactivity
Development and Evaluation of aSmall Active Ozone Sampler
Letters: Corrections
Research Watch: Pesticides in water
Technology Update: Phytoremediation project taking up TCE
Film Straining of Colloids inUnsaturated Porous Media: Conceptual Model and ExperimentalTesting
Value of ISO 14000 Management Systems Put to the Test
Photocatalytically AssistedHydrolysis of Chlorinated Methanesunder Anaerobic Conditions
Elution of Pyrene from ActivatedCarbon into an Aqueous SystemContaining Humic Acid
Microbial Reduction of Vitamin B12by Shewanella alga Strain BrYwith Subsequent Transformation ofCarbon Tetrachloride
Influence of Various Filters on theConcentration of PesticidesDissolved in Water
Elevated Accumulationof Tributyltin and Its Breakdown Products in Bottlenose Dolphins(Tursiops truncatus) Found Stranded Along the U.S. Atlanticand Gulf Coasts
Technology Update: Bioaugmentation project targets carbon tetrachloride
Buyer's Guide: Buyer's Guide
Proton Generation by Dissolution ofIntrinsic or AugmentedAluminosilicate Minerals for in SituContaminant Remediation byZero-Valence-State Iron
Aerosol Mineralization ofChlorofluorocarbons by SodiumVapor Reduction
Air Quality Model Evaluation Data forOrganics. 4. C2−C36 Non-AromaticHydrocarbons
Determination of Dicyclopentadieneand Its Derivatives as CompoundsCausing Odors in GroundwaterSupplies
Enzymatic Coupling of the HerbicideBentazon with Humus Monomersand Characterization of ReactionProducts
Counterion Effects on the Sorptionof Cationic Surfactant and Chromateon Natural Clinoptilolite
Distribution of HalogenatedOrganic Material in Sediments from Anthropogenic and NaturalSources in the Gulf of Finland Catchment Area
Research Watch: Breaking down nylon
Research Watch: On-line nitrification monitoring sensor
Online/In Print: Online/In Print
200-Year Record of Metals in LakeSediments and Natural BackgroundConcentrations
Classification of EnvironmentallyOccurring Chemicals UsingStructural Fragments and PLSDiscriminant Analysis
On-Line Nitrification Monitoring inActivated Sludge with a TitrimetricSensor
Electrochemical Dechlorination of 4-Chlorophenol to Phenol
Research Watch: Fast pesticide analysis
EPA Watch: Effluent trading limited in energy sector
OTAG recommends ozone controls tailored to pollution transport
Role of Quinone Intermediates asElectron Shuttles in Fenton andPhotoassisted Fenton Oxidations ofAromatic Compounds
Research Watch: Particle size versus mass
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