| - Heterogeneous oxidation of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) onatmospheric particles and alumina (Al2O3) was investigatedin a closed system and a flowed system using in situdiffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy(DRIFTS). At room temperature, OCS could be catalyticallyoxidized on the surface of atmospheric particles andAl2O3 to form gas-phase CO2 and surface sulfate (SO42-),sulfite (HSO3-), and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-) species.The real atmospheric particles were characterized usingX-ray fluorescence (XRF) and the Brunauer−Emmett−Teller(BET) method. As a simplified model, Al2O3 was used tostudy the reaction mechanism of heterogeneous oxidationof OCS. The hydrogen thiocarbonate surface (HSCO2-)species, an intermediate formed in the reaction of OCS withsurface hydroxyl (OH), could only be observed on theprereduced Al2O3 sample. The experimental results alsoindicate that surface oxygen containing species onthe atmospheric particle sample and the Al2O3 samplemight be the key reactant for OCS oxidation. A reactionmechanism of heterogeneous oxidation of OCS on Al2O3surface is discussed.