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Copyright © 2005 American Chemical Society
Copyright © 2005 by the American Chemical Society
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American Chemical Society
by the American Chemical Society
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A Model for the Effect ofRhizodeposition on the Fate ofPhenanthrene in Aged ContaminatedSoil
Oxidation Mechanism of As(III) inthe UV/TiO2 System: Evidence for aDirect Hole Oxidation Mechanism
Reduction of Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine byZerovalent Iron: ProductDistribution
Increasing Fe0-Mediated HMXDestruction in Highly ContaminatedSoil with DidecyldimethylammoniumBromide Surfactant
Modulation of Brain Steroidogenesisby Affecting Transcriptional Changesof Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory(StAR) Protein and Cholesterol SideChain Cleavage (P450scc) inJuvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmosalar) Is a Novel Aspect ofNonylphenol Toxicity
Environmental Microbes CanSpeciate and Cycle Arsenic
Fluorescence Quenching andLuminescence Sensitization inComplexes of Tb3+ and Eu3+ withHumic Substances
Vehicle Specific Power Approach toEstimating On-Road NH3 Emissionsfrom Light-Duty Vehicles
Mineral CO2 Sequestration by SteelSlag Carbonation
Perchlorate and Nitrate in LeafyVegetables of North America
Transgenic Plants in Phytoremediation: RecentAdvances and New Possibilities
Seeing a Deep Ocean CO2Enrichment Experiment in a NewLight: Laser Raman Detection ofDissolved CO2 in Seawater
SOx Removal by Calcined MgAlFeHydrotalcite-like Materials: Effect ofthe Chemical Composition and theCerium Incorporation Method
Amination of n-Hexanol inSupercritical Water
Photodegradation of DimethylSulfide (DMS) in Natural Waters: Laboratory Assessment of theNitrate-Photolysis-Induced DMSOxidation
Life Cycle Assessment ofSwitchgrass- and CornStover-Derived Ethanol-FueledAutomobiles
Kinetic Mechanism for PredictingSecondary Organic AerosolFormation from the Reaction ofd-Limonene with Ozone
Assessment of an AerosolTreatment To Improve Air Quality ina Swine Concentrated AnimalFeeding Operation (CAFO)
Fluoride Removal by Calcite: Evidence for Fluorite Precipitationand Surface Adsorption
Effect of Microbes on ContaminantTransfer in the Lake Superior FoodWeb
Adsorption of Hydrogen Sulfide ontoActivated Carbon Fibers: Effect ofPore Structure and SurfaceChemistry
Human Cell Mutagens in RespirableAirborne Particles from theNortheastern United States. 2.Quantification of Mutagens andOther Organic Compounds
Atmospheric PCB Concentrations atTerra Nova Bay, Antarctica
2005 A-Page Index
Impact of Environmental Factors onEfficacy of Upper-Room AirUltraviolet Germicidal Irradiation forInactivating Airborne Mycobacteria
Comparison of the Effects ofSonolysis and γ-Radiolysis onDissolved Organic Matter
Development of an EcosystemSensitivity Model Regarding MercuryLevels in Fish Using a PreferenceModeling Methodology: Applicationto the Canadian Boreal System
Heterogeneous Oxidation ofCarbonyl Sulfide on AtmosphericParticles and Alumina
Enhanced Coagulation Due toEvaporation and Its Effect onNanoparticle Evolution
Geographical, Spatial, and TemporalDistributions of Multiple Indoor AirPollutants in Four ChineseProvinces
Speciation of Co(II) and Ni(II) inAnaerobic Bioreactors Measured byCompetitive LigandExchange−Adsorptive StrippingVoltammetry
Aquatic Toxicity Due to ResidentialUse of Pyrethroid Insecticides
Evaluation of Mixed Valent IronOxides as Reactive Adsorbents forArsenic Removal
Denitrification Mechanism of NaOHin the Presence of Carbon
Role of Chlorine in Combustion Fieldin Formation of PolychlorinatedDibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofuransduring Waste Incineration
Adsorption of Arsenate ontoFerrihydrite from Aqueous Solution: Influence of Media (Sulfate vsNitrate), Added Gypsum, and pHAlteration
Methods for Accelerating NitrateReduction Using Zerovalent Iron atNear-Neutral pH: Effects ofH2-Reducing Pretreatment andCopper Deposition
Isolation of the RetinoblastomacDNA from the Marine Flatfish Dab(Limanda limanda) and Evidenceof Mutational Alterations in LiverTumors
Identification of BrominatedCarbazoles in Sediment Cores fromLake Michigan
Analysis of AtmosphericSesquiterpenes: Sampling Lossesand Mitigation of OzoneInterferences
Adsorption of SulfonamideAntimicrobial Agents to ClayMinerals
Permeable Membranes ContainingCrystalline Silicotitanate As ModelBarriers for Cesium Ion
Spatially Complex Distribution ofDissolved Manganese in a Fjord asRevealed by High-Resolution in SituSensing Using the AutonomousUnderwater Vehicle Autosub
Interaction Force Profiles betweenCryptosporidium parvum Oocystsand Silica Surfaces
UV Photolytic Mechanism ofN-Nitrosodimethylamine in Water: Roles of Dissolved Oxygen andSolution pH
Influence of O2 and H2O onCarbothermal Reduction of SO2 byOil-Sand Fluid Coke
Platinum Group ElementConcentrations and OsmiumIsotopic Composition in UrbanAirborne Particles from Boston,Massachusetts
Photoirradiation of Dissolved HumicAcid Induces Arsenic(III) Oxidation
Regulating the Underground Injection of CO2
Flow of Natural versus EconomicCapital in Industrial SupplyNetworks and Its Implications toSustainability
Microcosm Experiments to Assessthe Effects of Temperature andMicrobial Activity on PolychlorinatedBiphenyl Transport in AnaerobicSediment
Is Glassiness a CommonCharacteristic of Soil OrganicMatter?
XAS Evidence of As(V) Associationwith Iron Oxyhydroxides in aContaminated Soil at a FormerArsenical Pesticide Processing Plant
Cold Temperature PM EmissionsMeasurement: Method Evaluationand Application to Light DutyVehicles
Parametric Analysis ofEnvironmental Performance ofReused/Recycled Packaging
Concentrations of PolybrominatedDiphenyl Ethers, PolychlorinatedBiphenyls, and Polychlorobiphenylolsin Serum from Pregnant FaroeseWomen and Their Children 7 YearsLater
XAS Study of Iron and ArsenicSpeciation during Fe(II) Oxidation inthe Presence of As(III)
Influence of Mobile Air-Conditioningon Vehicle Emissions and FuelConsumption: A Model Approachfor Modern Gasoline Cars Used inEurope
A Quantitative Assay for LinkingMicrobial Community Function andStructure of aNaphthalene-Degrading MicrobialConsortium
Bacteria contribute to freshwater PCB contamination | Household pesticides are poisoning city creeks | Tackling a short list of endocrine disrupters | Polar satellite crashes | China powers up
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