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À propos de : SOx Removal by Calcined MgAlFeHydrotalcite-like Materials: Effect ofthe Chemical Composition and theCerium Incorporation Method        

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  • SOx Removal by Calcined MgAlFeHydrotalcite-like Materials: Effect ofthe Chemical Composition and theCerium Incorporation Method
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  • Sulfur oxides are one of the most hazardous atmosphericpollutants since they contribute directly to acid rainformation. Consequently, stringent environmental regulationslimit atmospheric SOx emissions, motivating research onefficient ways to reduce them. To supply an alternative toreduce these emissions in fluid catalytic cracking units,this study discloses efficient SOx reducing materials basedon calcined MgAlFe hydrotalcite-like compounds (HT's).Thus, HT materials were synthesized by several methodsincluding cerium addition. The adsorption of SO2 was carriedout by contacting the calcined solid with a mixture ofSO2 (1%) in air at 650 °C. It was demonstrated that theisomorphic incorporation of iron increased its reductioncapability which was reflected in higher reduction rates andmetal sulfate reduction grade at 550 °C. Moreover, whencerium was present in the iron-containing materials thesaturation rate was improved, because cerium oxide promotesthe oxidation of SO2 to SO3. The way cerium is incorporatedinfluences the SO2 adsorption capacity.
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