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À propos de : Adsorption of Arsenate ontoFerrihydrite from Aqueous Solution: Influence of Media (Sulfate vsNitrate), Added Gypsum, and pHAlteration        

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  • Adsorption of Arsenate ontoFerrihydrite from Aqueous Solution: Influence of Media (Sulfate vsNitrate), Added Gypsum, and pHAlteration
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  • Mineral processing effluents generated in hydrometallurgicalindustrial operations are sulfate based; hence it is ofinterest to investigate the effect sulfate matrix solution(“sulfate media”) has on arsenate adsorption onto ferrihydrite.In this work, in particular, the influence of media (SO42-vs NO3-), added gypsum, and pH alteration on the adsorptionof arsenate onto ferrihydrite has been studied. Theferrihydrite precipitated from sulfate solution incorporateda significant amount of sulfate ions and showed a muchhigher adsorption capacity for arsenate compared to nitrate−ferrihydrite at pH 3−8 and initial Fe/As molar ratios of 2,4, and 8. Adsorption of arsenate onto sulfate−ferrihydriteinvolved ligand exchange with SO42- ions that werefound to be more easily exchangeable with increasingpH. Added gypsum to the adsorption system significantlyenhanced the uptake of arsenate by ferrihydrite at pH 8.Equilibration treatment at acidic pH and addition ofgypsum markedly improved the stability of adsorbedarsenate on ferrihydrite when pH was elevated. Comparisonof arsenate adsorption onto ferrihydrite to coprecipitationof arsenate with iron(III) showed the latter process tolead to higher arsenic removal.
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