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Chlortetracycline Detoxification inMaize via Induction of GlutathioneS-Transferases after AntibioticExposure
Operation of a Two-StageFermentation Process ProducingHydrogen and Methane from OrganicWaste
Removal of Copper in an IntegratedSulfate ReducingBioreactor−Crystallization ReactorSystem
Bioremediation of2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene under FieldConditions
Biologically Enhanced Mass Transferof Tetrachloroethene from DNAPL inSource Zones: ExperimentalEvaluation and Influence of PoolMorphology
Simple Indicator To Identify theEnvironmental Soundness of Growthof Consumption and Technology: “Eco-velocity of Consumption”
Quantitative Bioimaging Analysis ofGonads in olvas-GFP/ST-II YIMedaka (Transgenic Oryziaslatipes) Exposed to Ethinylestradiol
Sorption/Desorption Reversibility ofPhenanthrene in Soils andCarbonaceous Materials
European Emissions of HFC-365mfc,a Chlorine-Free Substitute for theFoam Blowing Agents HCFC-141band CFC-11
Colloid Retention in Porous Media: Mechanistic Confirmation ofWedging and Retention in Zones ofFlow Stagnation
Novel NO Trapping Catalysts Derivedfrom Co−Mg/X−Al (X = Fe, Mn, Zr,La) Hydrotalcite-like Compounds
DOE/NETL's Phase II Mercury ControlTechnology Field Testing Program: Preliminary Economic Analysis ofActivated Carbon Injection
Using Gas-Phase MolecularDescriptors to PredictDechlorination Rates ofChloroalkanes by Zerovalent Iron
Polyethylene Devices: PassiveSamplers for Measuring DissolvedHydrophobic Organic Compounds inAquatic Environments
Electrically Regenerated IonExchange for Removal and Recoveryof Cr(VI) from Wastewater
Origin of a Mixed BrominatedEthene Groundwater Plume: Contaminant Degradation Pathwaysand Reactions
Quantifying the Dimensions ofNanoscale Organic Surface Layersin Natural Waters
Biologically Mediated Transport of Contaminants toAquatic Systems
Hydrosulfide Oxidation Pathways inOxic Solutions Containing Iron(III)Chelates
Seabird Guano Is an EfficientConveyer of Persistent OrganicPollutants (POPs) to Arctic LakeEcosystems
Simultaneous Measurement of theEffective Density and ChemicalComposition of Ambient AerosolParticles
Biochemical Interpretation ofQuantitative Structure−ActivityRelationships (QSAR) forBiodegradation of N-Heterocycles: A Complementary Approach toPredict Biodegradability
New Ecotoxicological Model ToSimulate Survival of AquaticInvertebrates after Exposure toFluctuating and Sequential Pulses ofPesticides
Characterizing the Emissions ofPolybrominated Dibenzo-p-dioxinsand Dibenzofurans from Municipaland Industrial Waste Incinerators
Air−Water Exchange ofPolychlorinated Biphenyls in theDelaware River
Hydrologic Flow Controls onBiologic Iron(III) Reduction inNatural Sediments
In-Stream BiogeochemicalProcesses of a Temporary River
Quantitation of Gas-PhasePerfluoroalkyl Surfactants andFluorotelomer Alcohols Releasedfrom Nonstick Cookware andMicrowave Popcorn Bags
Proteins and Protein-Rich Biomassas Environmentally FriendlyAdsorbents Selective for PreciousMetal Ions
Reactive Transport Modeling ofTrichloroethene Treatment withDeclining Reactivity of Iron
Temporal and Spatial Trends ofAtmospheric PolychlorinatedBiphenyl Concentrations near theGreat Lakes
Analysis of Volatile OrganicCompounds in Mainstream CigaretteSmoke
Life Cycle of the Corn−SoybeanAgroecosystem for BiobasedProduction
Aging Effects on the Availability ofHerbicides to Runoff Transfer
Binding of Iron(III) to Organic Soils: EXAFS Spectroscopy and ChemicalEquilibrium Modeling
XAFS Studies of Nickel and SulfurSpeciation in Residual Oil Fly-AshParticulate Matters (ROFA PM)
Using Bromine Gas To EnhanceMercury Removal from Flue Gas ofCoal-Fired Power Plants
Evidence for a Pore-FillingMechanism in the Adsorption ofAromatic Hydrocarbons to a NaturalWood Char
Metal Complexes and Free RadicalToxins Produced by Pfiesteriapiscicida
Steam Reactivation of SpentCaO-Based Sorbent for Multiple CO2Capture Cycles
Role of Organically ComplexedIron(II) Species in the ReductiveTransformation of RDX in AnoxicEnvironments
Laboratory-to-Field Extrapolation in Aquatic Sciences
Dioxin-Like andTransthyretin-Binding Compounds inIndoor Dusts Collected from Japan: Average Daily Dose and PossibleImplications for Children
Ionic Strength-Induced Formation ofSmectite Quasicrystals EnhancesNitroaromatic Compound Sorption
Alternative Approaches for ModelingGas−Particle Partitioning ofSemivolatile Organic Chemicals: Model Development and Comparison
Polychlorinated Biphenyl Releasefrom Resuspended Hudson RiverSediment
Relationship between Micellar andHemi-Micellar Processes and theBioavailability ofSurfactant-Solubilized HydrophobicOrganic Compounds
Nitrile, Aldehyde, andHalonitroalkane Formation duringChlorination/Chloramination ofPrimary Amines
Regional Calibration of ErosionRadiotracers (210Pb and 137Cs): Atmospheric Fluxes to Soils(Northern Spain)
Carbon and Nitrogen IsotopeVariations in Tree-Rings as Recordsof Perturbations in Regional Carbonand Nitrogen Cycles
Volatile Organic CompoundEmissions from Dairy Cows andTheir Waste as Measured byProton-Transfer-Reaction MassSpectrometry
Stabilization/Solidification ofRadioactive Molten Salt Waste viaGel-Route Pretreatment
Diversifying Biological Fuel CellDesigns by Use of NanoporousFilters
Characterization of Natural AquaticColloids (<5 nm) by Flow-FieldFlow Fractionation and AtomicForce Microscopy
Adsorption of Natural OrganicMatter onto CarbonaceousSurfaces: Atomic Force MicroscopyStudy
Transport and Deposition ofMetabolically Active and StationaryPhase Deinococcus radioduransin Unsaturated Porous Media
New Pfiesteria toxin identified | Scientists protest U.S. EPA library closures | News Briefs: Plastics component linked to breast cancer ` Megawatt mileage ` Bugs are everywhere-even on dust in city air ` Livestock and greenhouse gases ` State of the Arctic | New managing editor rejoins ES&T | Pesticides waft into pristine rainforests | Overlooked impacts of bioproducts | Mercury control costs drop
Accumulation of Current-UsePesticides in Neotropical MontaneForests
Organochlorine Pesticides in theSoils and Atmosphere of Costa Rica
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