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Advances in Polymer Science, 159. Statistical,Gradient, Block and Graft Copolymers by Controlled/Living Radical Polymerizations By Kelly A.Davis (University of Colorado-Boulder) and KrzysztofMatyjaszewski (Carnegie Mellon University).Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 2002.xii + 192 pp. $139.00. ISBN 3-540-43244-2.
New 1H-Pyrazole-Containing Polyamine Receptors Able ToComplex l-Glutamate in Water at Physiological pH Values
Improved Treatment of the Protein Backbone in Empirical Force Fields
A General Chemical Route to Polyaniline Nanofibers
Computational Elucidation of the Transition State ShapeSelectivity Phenomenon
Reversible Voltage-Induced Assembly of Au Nanoparticles atLiquid|Liquid Interfaces
Polymers for Photonics Applications II: NonlinearOptical, Photorefractive and Two-Photon AbsorptionPolymers Edited by Kwang-Sup Lee (Hannam University, Korea). From the series: Advances in PolymerScience, 161. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, NewYork. 2003. $149.00. ISBN 3-540-43157-8.
Photochemistry and Mobility of Stilbenoid Dendrimers inTheir Neat Phases
On the Mechanisms of Oxidation of Organic Sulfides by H2O2in Aqueous Solutions
Thermal Stability of the Secondary Structure of Poly(α,l-glutamate) inSelf-Assembled Complexes as Studied by Molecular Dynamics in ChloroformSolution
Quantitative Analysis of Conformational ExchangeContributions to 1H−15N Multiple-Quantum Relaxation UsingField-Dependent Measurements. Time Scale and StructuralCharacterization of Exchange in a Calmodulin C-TerminalDomain Mutant
Solvent-Mediated Folding of a Doubly Charged Anion
Chiroptical Transcription of Helical Information through SupramolecularHarmonization with Dynamic Helices
Unexpectedly Fast Cis/Trans Isomerization of Xaa-Pro PeptideBonds in Disulfide-Constrained Cyclic Peptides
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Microwaves in Organic Synthesis Edited by AndréLoupy (Université Paris-Sud, France). Wiley-VCH: Weinheim. 2002. xxiv + 499 pp. $195.00. ISBN3-527-30514-9.
Paramagnetic Resonance of Metallobiomolecules Edited by Joshua Telser (Roosevelt University).American Chemical Society (Distributed by OxfordUniversity Press): Washington, DC. 2003. xiv + 432pp. $122.50. ISBN 0-8412-3832-4.
Hyponitrite Radical, a Stable Adduct of Nitric Oxide andNitroxyl
Extreme Projection of a Proton into the π-Cloud of anAromatic Ring: Record Shielding of an Aromatic Proton intrans-10b-Methyl-10c-(1-naphthyl)-10b,10c-dihydropyrene
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A Recoverable Enzymatic Microgel Based on Biomolecular Recognition
Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry. Volume 4.Corrosion and Oxide Films Edited by MartinStratmann (Max-Planck Institut für Eisenforschung,Dusseldorf) and Gerald S. Frankel (The Ohio StateUniversity). Series Edited by Allen J. Bard and MartinStratmann. Wiley-VCH: Weinheim. 2003. x + 746 pp.$430.00. ISBN 3-527-30396-0.
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Isolation of a Stable Covalent Selenium Azide RSeN3
Nature of the Chemical Bond Formed with the StructuralMetal Ion at the A9/G10.1 Motif Derived fromHammerhead Ribozymes
The Site of Cr+ Attachment to Gas-Phase Aniline from Infrared Spectroscopy
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 125 Editedby I. Prigogine (University of Texas at Austin andUniversité Libre de Bruxelles) and Stuart A. Rice(University of Chicago). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken. 2003. x + 596 pp. $175.00. ISBN0-471-21452-3.
First-Principle Predictions of Absolute pKa's of Organic Acidsin Dimethyl Sulfoxide Solution
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Helical Supramolecules and Fibers Utilizing Leucine Zipper-DisplayingDendrimers
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Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the 13C and 15NChemical Shift Tensors in MelanostatinExploring theChemical Shift Tensor as a Structural Probe
A General Strategy to Convert the MerR Family Proteins into Highly Sensitiveand Selective Fluorescent Biosensors for Metal Ions
A Robust Nanocontainer Based on a Pure Organic Free Radical
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The Chemical Physics of Solid Surfaces. Volume 10.Surface Alloys and Alloy Surfaces Edited by D. P.Woodruff (University of Warwick). Elsevier: Amsterdamand NewYork. 2002. xvi + 536 pp. $275. ISBN0-444-51152-0.
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Lysine Peroxycarbamates: Free Radical-Promoted Peptide Cleavage
Exo Selective Enantioselective Nitrone Cycloadditions
Catalytic Asymmetric Total Syntheses of Quinine and Quinidine
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