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Facile Conversion of Alcohols into Esters and Dihydrogen Catalyzed by New Ruthenium Complexes [J.Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 10840−10841].
Reversible Colorimetric Probes for Mercury Sensing
Increase of the Photoluminescence Intensity of InP Nanowiresby Photoassisted Surface Passivation
Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Piperidine Derivatives through the [4 + 2]Annulation of Imines with Allenes
Highly Active and Stable DNAzyme−Carbon Nanotube Hybrids
An Antiaromatic Porphyrin Complex: Tetraphenylporphyrinato(silicon)(L)2(L = THF or Pyridine)
Importance of Aromatic Content for Peptide/Single-WalledCarbon Nanotube Interactions
Initial Members of the Family of Molecular Mid-ValentHigh-Nuclearity Iron Nitrides: [Fe4N2X10]4- and [Fe10N8X12]5-(X = Cl-, Br-)
Planar Chiral Cyclic Ether: Asymmetric Resolution and ChiralityTransformation
Reversible and Regioselective Reaction of La@C82 with Cyclopentadiene
Chemical Aerosol Flow Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Iodobenzene-Catalyzed α-Acetoxylation of Ketones. In Situ Generation ofHypervalent (Diacyloxyiodo)benzenes Using m-Chloroperbenzoic Acid
Correlation between Molecular Orbitals and Doping Dependence of theElectrical Conductivity in Electron-Doped Metal−Phthalocyanine Compounds
Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 16 Edited by G. W. Gribble (Dartmouth College) and JohnA. Joule (The University of Manchester). Elsevier B. V.: Amsterdam. 2004. viii + 476 pp. $268.00. ISBN0-08-044482-2.
H−C−SiH3: Direct Generation and Spectroscopic Identification ofEthylidene's Cousin
Mannose/Glucose-Functionalized Dendrimers To Investigate the PredictableTunability of Multivalent Interactions
Copper Complexes for Fluorescence-Based NO Detection in AqueousSolution
Isolation and Low-Temperature X-ray Analysis of IntramolecularTriarylmethane−Triarylmethylium Complex: Preference for a C−H-BridgedUnsymmetric Structure Exhibiting a Facile 1,5-Hydride Shift andCharge-Transfer Interaction
Selectivity in Platinum-Catalyzed cis−trans Carbon−Carbon Double-BondIsomerization
Room Temperature Hydroalkylation of Electron-Deficient Olefins: sp3 C−HFunctionalization via a Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Intramolecular Redox Event
Ruthenium-Catalyzed Hydrative Cyclization of 1,5-Enynes
A Modular Nanoparticle-Based System for Reagentless Small MoleculeBiosensing
The Chemistry of Pheromones and OtherSemiochemicals II. Topics in Current Chemistry,240 Edited by Stefan Schulz (TU Braunschweig).Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 2005. xii + 334pp. $249.00. ISBN 3-540-21308-2.
Reviews in Fluorescence 2004, Volume 1 Edited byChris Geddes (University of Maryland BiotechnologyInstitute, Baltimore, MD) and Joseph R. Lakowicz(University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute). KluwerAcademic/Plenum Publishers: New York. 2004. x +410 pp. $149.00. ISBN 0-306-48460-9.
Catalytic Asymmetric Cyanosilylation of Ketones by a Chiral Amino Acid Salt
Cycloisomerization of Enynes Catalyzed by Iron(0)−Ate Complexes
Chemistry at Extreme Conditions Edited by M. RiadManaa (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).Elsevier B.V.: Amsterdam. 2005. xiv + 522 pp.$193.00. ISBN 0-444-51766-9.
Fluorescent Amplifying Recognition for DNA G-QuadruplexFolding with a Cationic Conjugated Polymer: A Platform forHomogeneous Potassium Detection
The Isomerization Equilibrium between Cis and Trans Chloride RutheniumOlefin Metathesis Catalysts from Quantum Mechanics Calculations
Model Electrochemical-Mass Spectrometric Studies of theCytochrome P450-Catalyzed Oxidations of Cyclic TertiaryAllylamines
Structure and Conductivity of the Crystalline Polymer Electrolyteβ-PEO6:LiAsF6
Molecularly Ordered Nanoporous Organosilicates Prepared with and withoutSurfactants
K(UO)Si2O6: A Pentavalent−Uranium Silicate
Engineered Biosynthesis of Aklanonic Acid Analogues
Toward Molecular Electronic Circuitry: Selective Deposition of Metals onPatterned Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces
MaP Peptides: Programming the Self-Assembly ofPeptide-Based Mesoscopic Matrices
Kinetic Control of Threading of Cyclodextrins onto Axle Molecules
Oligoindole-Based Foldamers with a Helical Conformation Induced byChloride
Impedance Spectroscopy: Theory, Experiment, andApplications, 2nd ed Edited by Evgenij Barsoukov(Texas Instruments Inc.) and J. Ross Macdonald(University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). John Wiley &Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ. 2005. xvii + 596 pp. $125.00.ISBN 0471-64749-7.
Alkane Coordination Selectivity in Hydrocarbon Activation by[Tp‘Rh(CNneopentyl)]: The Role of Alkane Complexes
Microscopic Origins for the Favorable Solvation of CarbonateEther Copolymers in CO2
Asymmetry in 13C−13C COSY Spectra Provides Information on LigandGeometry in Paramagnetic Proteins
Lipid Modifications of a Ras Peptide Exhibit Altered Packingand Mobility versus Host Membrane as Detected by 2HSolid-State NMR
Does Catalysis of Reductive Dechlorination of Tetra- and Trichloroethylenesby Vitamin B12 and Corrinoid-Based Dehalogenases Follow an ElectronTransfer Mechanism?
A Six-Bowl Carceplex That Entraps Seven Guest Molecules
Aligned Arrays of Nanotubes and Segmented Nanotubes on SubstratesFabricated by Electrodeposition onto Nanorods
In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Detection of Cancer by UsingMultifunctional Magnetic Nanocrystals
Equilibrating C−S Bond Formation by C−H and S−S Bond Metathesis.Rhodium-Catalyzed Alkylthiolation Reaction of 1-Alkynes with Disulfides
Patterned Growth of Large Oriented Organic Semiconductor Single Crystalson Self-Assembled Monolayer Templates
Five-Order-of-Magnitude Reduction of the Triplet Lifetimes of N-Heterocyclesby Complexation to a Trinuclear Mercury Complex
An Anionic Rhodium η4-Quinonoid Complex as a Multifunctional Catalyst forthe Arylation of Aldehydes with Arylboronic Acids
Highly Efficient and Photostable Photosensitizer Based on BODIPYChromophore
Facile Activation of Dihydrogen by an Unsaturated Heavier Main GroupCompound
Library versus Library Recognition and Inhibition of the HIV-1 Nef Allelome
In Situ Generation of Carboxylate: An Efficient Strategy for aOne-Pot Synthesis of Homo- and Heterometallic PolynuclearComplexes
TDP-Mycaminose Biosynthetic Pathway Revised and Conversion ofDesosamine Pathway to Mycaminose Pathway with One Gene
Making Thiamin Work Faster: Acid-Promoted Separation of Carbon Dioxide
Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2000 Edited byA. C. Knipe (University of Ulster). Founding Editors: A.C. Knipe and W. E. Watts. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.: Chichester, U.K. 2004. x + 668 pp. $565.00. ISBN0-470-85439-1.
Absorption of Schiff-Base Retinal Chromophores in Vacuo
The Michael Addition−Elimination of Ylides to α,β-Unsaturated Imines. HighlyStereoselective Synthesis of Vinylcyclopropanecarbaldehydes andVinylcyclopropylaziridines
Base Pair Stability of 8-Chloro- and 8-Iodo-2‘-deoxyguanosine Opposite2‘-Deoxycytidine: Implications Regarding the Bioactivity of8-Oxo-2‘-deoxyguanosine
Multiple Functionalization of Benzophenones InsidePolyphenylene Dendrimers − Toward Entrapped Ions andRadicals
Practical Synthesis and Diels−Alder Chemistry of [4]Dendralene
Unique Spatial Heterogeneity in Ionic Liquids
Rationale for Kinetic Heterogeneity of Ultrafast Light-Induced ElectronTransfer from Ru(II) Complex Sensitizers to Nanocrystalline TiO2
Reaction Coordinate Analysis for β-Diketone Cleavage by theNon-Heme Fe2+-Dependent Dioxygenase Dke1
Optical Absorption of the Blue Fluorescent Protein:A First-Principles Study
Synthesis of Spiro[4.5]trienones by Intramolecular ipso-Halocyclization of4-(p-Methoxyaryl)-1-alkynes
Charged Polypeptide Vesicles with Controllable Diameter
DNA Charge Transport Leading to Disulfide Bond Formation
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, No. 38 Editedby B. E. Conway (University of Ottawa), C. G. Vayenas(University of Patras), Ralph E. White (University ofSouth Carolina), Maria E. Gamboa-Adelco (ManagingEditor, Superior, CO). Kluwer Academic/PlenumPublishers: New York. 2005. xx + 544 pp. $155.00.ISBN 0-306-48703-9.
Kinetic and Spectroscopic Characterization of ACMSD fromPseudomonas fluorescens Reveals a PentacoordinateMononuclear Metallocofactor
Vitamin E Imaging and Localization in the Neuronal Membrane
NCN Pincer Palladium Complexes: Their Preparation via aLigand Introduction Route and Their Catalytic Properties
Design and Synthesis of a Thermally Stable Organic Electride
Self-Assembly of Hexagonal DNA Two-Dimensional (2D) Arrays
Magic-Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of theβ1 Immunoglobulin Binding Domain of Protein G (GB1): 15Nand 13C Chemical Shift Assignments and ConformationalAnalysis
Reconstitution of Apo-Glucose Dehydrogenase onPyrroloquinoline Quinone-Functionalized Au NanoparticlesYields an Electrically Contacted Biocatalyst
How Substrate Solvation Contributes to the Enantioselectivity of Subtilisintoward Secondary Alcohols
Small Amounts of Achiral β-Amino Alcohols Reverse the Enantioselectivity ofChiral Catalysts in Cooperative Asymmetric Autocatalysis
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