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Lipid Mobility and Molecular Binding in Fluid Lipid Membranes
Large-Scale Fabrication of Flexible Silver/Cross-Linked Poly(vinyl alcohol)Coaxial Nanocables by a Facile Solution Approach
Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Precipitation at Membrane Lipid Rafts
Imaging Chirality with Surface Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy
Aerobic Oxidative Amination of Unactivated Alkenes Catalyzed by Palladium
All-Catalytic, Efficient, and Asymmetric Synthesis of α,ω-DiheterofunctionalReduced Polypropionates via “One-Pot” Zr-Catalyzed AsymmetricCarboalumination−Pd-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Tandem Process
π-Stacking in Thiophene Oligomers as the Driving Force forElectroactive Materials and Devices
Formation and Characterization of the Hexanuclear PlatinumCluster [Pt6(μ-PBut2)4(CO)6](CF3SO3)2 through Structural,Electrochemical, and Computational Analyses
Molecular Containers Based on Amphiphilic PS-b-PMVEDendrigraft Copolymers: Topology, Organization, andAqueous Solution Properties
Photoswitching of Single Association Force between a Pair ofPhotoionizable Spirobenzopyrans
Patterns Formed by Droplet Evaporation from a Restricted Geometry
Albumin-Conjugated Corrole Metal Complexes: ExtremelySimple Yet Very Efficient Biomimetic Oxidation Systems
Selective Calcium Ion Sensing with a BichromophoricSquaraine Foldamer
ACD/HNMR Predictor and ACD/CNMR Predictor Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs), 90Adelaide Street West, Suite 600, Toronto, ON M5H 2V9,Canada. See Web site for pricinginformation.
Enantioselective Friedel−Crafts Alkylations with BenzoylhydrazonesPromoted by a Simple Strained Silacycle Reagent
Multicomponent Cycloadditions: The Four-Component [5+1+2+1]Cycloaddition of Vinylcyclopropanes, Alkynes, and CO
A Self-Assembled Nano Optical Switch and Transistor Based on a RigidConjugated Polymer, Thioacetyl-End-Functionalized Poly(para-phenyleneethynylene)
Self-Assembly of Diorganotin(IV) Oxides (R = Me, nBu, Ph)and 2,5-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid to Polymeric and TrinuclearMacrocyclic Hybrids with Porous Solid-State Structures: Influence of Substituents and Solvent on theSupramolecular Structure
Single-Chain Magnet (NEt4)[Mn2(5-MeOsalen)2Fe(CN)6] Made ofMnIII−FeIII−MnIII Trinuclear Single-Molecule Magnet with an ST= 9/2 Spin Ground State
Development of an Electrolytic System Using Solid-Supported Bases for inSitu Generation of a Supporting Electrolyte from Methanol as a Solvent
Nanometal Surface Energy Transfer in Optical Rulers,Breaking the FRET Barrier
PEGylated Polyplex Micelles from Triblock Catiomers with Spatially OrderedLayering of Condensed pDNA and Buffering Units for Enhanced IntracellularGene Delivery
Transmutation of Fullerenes
Single Turn Peptide Alpha Helices with Exceptional Stabilityin Water
Well Architectured Fluoropolymers: Synthesis,Properties and Applications By Bruno Améduri andBernard Boutevin (Ecole Nationale Supérieure deChemie de Montpellier). Elsevier Ltd: Oxford. 2004.xviii + 481 pp. $189.00. ISBN 0-08-044388-5.
Selective Detection of 2-Deoxyribonolactone in DNA
The Dichotomy of Dimetallocenes: Coaxial versus Perpendicular DimetalUnits in Sandwich Compounds
Temperature Dependence of Carbon-13 Kinetic Isotope Effects of Importanceto Global Climate Change
A Photoinducible β-Hairpin
Design and Synthesis of an Expanded Porphyrin That HasSelectivity for the c-MYC G-Quadruplex Structure
UV Raman Examination of α-Helical Peptide Water Hydrogen Bonding
Deblurred Observation of the Molecular Structure of an Oil−Water Interface
Enantioselective Esterification of Prochiral PhosphonatePendants of a Polyphenylacetylene Assisted byMacromolecular Helicity: Storage of a DynamicMacromolecular Helicity Memory
Origin of Tight Binding of a Near-Perfect Transition-StateAnalogue by Cytidine Deaminase: Implications for EnzymeCatalysis
Bimetallic Anilido-Aldimine Zinc Complexes for Epoxide/CO2Copolymerization
A New Spin Probe of Protein Dynamics: Nitrogen Relaxationin 15N−2H Amide Groups
Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Allylic Esters
Hydrogen Elimination from a HydroxycyclopentadienylRuthenium(II) Hydride: Study of Hydrogen Activation in aLigand−Metal Bifunctional Hydrogenation Catalyst
Molecular Recognition of Trigonal Oxyanions Using a DitopicSalt Receptor: Evidence for Anisotropic Shielding Surfacearound Nitrate Anion
A Deoxyribozyme that Forms a Three-Helix-Junction Complexwith its RNA Substrates and has General RNABranch-Forming Activity
Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 20 Edited by Kenny B. Lipkowitz (North Dakota StateUniversity), Raima Larter (Indiana University-PurdueUniversity), Thomas R. Cundari (University of NorthTexas), and Donald B. Boyd, Editor Emeritus (IndianaUniversity−Purdue University). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ. 2004. xxvi + 458 pp. $150.00. ISBN0-471-44525-8.
Room-Temperature Catalytic Hydrodefluorination of C(sp3)−F Bonds
Dimensional Effects on the LO−TO Splitting in CF4: First-Principles and Infrared Absorption Studies
Isotope Effects, Dynamics, and the Mechanism of Solvolysisof Aryldiazonium Cations in Water
Biliverdin Reduction by Cyanobacterial Phycocyanobilin:Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase (PcyA) Proceeds viaLinear Tetrapyrrole Radical Intermediates [J. Am. Chem.Soc.2004, 126, 8682−8693].
Single-Crystalline LaB6 Nanowires
Endohedral Clusterization of Ten Water Molecules into a “Molecular Ice”within the Hydrophobic Pocket of a Self-Assembled Cage
An in Vitro Selection System for TNA
Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, Volume125: From Colloids to Nanotechnology Edited byMiklós Zrínyi and Zoltán Hórvölgyi (Budapest Universityof Technology and Economics). Springer-Verlag: Berlin,Heidelberg. 2004. viii + 226 pp. $189.00 ISBN3-540-40658-1.
Observation of Excited-State Proton Transfer in Green Fluorescent Proteinusing Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy
Design and Synthesis of N-Maleimido-FunctionalizedHydrophilic Polymers via Copper-Mediated Living RadicalPolymerization: A Suitable Alternative to PEGylationChemistry
Chiral Supramolecular Polymers Formed by Host−GuestInteractions
Hydroxyl Stereochemistry and Amine Number withinPoly(glycoamidoamine)s Affect Intracellular DNA Delivery
A Self-Assembling Protein Template for Constrained Synthesis andPatterning of Nanoparticle Arrays
Alkane Oxidation by Osmium Tetroxide
High-Performance Hole-Transport Layers for PolymerLight-Emitting Diodes. Implementation of OrganosiloxaneCross-Linking Chemistry in Polymeric ElectroluminescentDevices
Benzene-Free Synthesis of Catechol: Interfacing Microbialand Chemical Catalysis
β-Sheet Ligands in Action: KLVFF Recognition byAminopyrazole Hybrid Receptors in Water
Cycloaddition of Benzene on Si(100) and Its SurfaceConversions
Discovery of and Mechanistic Insight into a Ligand-ModulatedPalladium-Catalyzed Wacker Oxidation of Styrenes Using TBHP
High-Pressure Dissociation of Crystallinepara-Diiodobenzene: Optical Experiments and Car−ParrinelloCalculations
Solid-State NMR Study of MCM-41-type Mesoporous SilicaNanoparticles
Ti-Crossed-Claisen Condensation between Carboxylic Esters and AcidChlorides or Acids: A Highly Selective and General Method for thePreparation of Various β-Keto Esters
Highly Selective 1,3-Isomerization of Allylic Alcohols via Rhenium OxoCatalysis
Mechanistic Investigations of Lipoic Acid Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli: Both Sulfur Atoms in Lipoic Acid are Contributed by the Same LipoylSynthase Polypeptide
Molecular Sensing with Ultrafine Silver Crystals on Hexagonal AluminumNitride Nanorod Templates
Chemical Behavior of the Biradicaloid (HO···ONO) SingletStates of Peroxynitrous Acid. The Oxidation of Hydrocarbons,Sulfides, and Selenides
Inducing Spin Crossover in Metallo-supramolecularPolyelectrolytes through an Amphiphilic Phase Transition
DNA-Based Molecular Electronics. InternationalSymposium on DNA-Based Molecular Electronics,Jena, Germany, May 13−15, 2004. AIP ConferenceProceeding, Volume 725 Edited by WolfgangFritzsche (IPHT, Jena, Germany). American Institute ofPhysics: Melville, NY. 2004. x + 116 pp. $98.00. ISBN0-7354-0206-X.
Biomimetic Synthesis and Structure Elucidation of Rubicordifolin, a CytotoxicNatural Product from Rubia cordifolia
Rhodium-Catalyzed Isomerization of α-Arylpropargyl Alcohols to Indanones: Involvement of an Unexpected Reaction Cascade
High Molecular Weight Supramolecular Polymers ContainingBoth Terpyridine Metal Complexes and UreidopyrimidinoneQuadruple Hydrogen-Bonding Units in the Main Chain
Total Synthesis of (+)-Allocyathin B2
Pentacene Disproportionation during Sublimation forField-Effect Transistors
Investigating Cellular Signaling Reactions in Single AttoliterVesicles
Reinforced HNA Backbone Hydration in the Crystal Structureof a Decameric HNA/RNA Hybrid
Alternating Isotactic Ethylene−Cyclopentene Copolymer: A CrystallineEngineering Plastomer Including High Amounts of Structural Disorder
Nonequilibrium Capillary Electrophoresis of EquilibriumMixtures: A Universal Tool for Development of Aptamers
Syntheses of Metallabenzynes from an Allenylcarbene Complex
DNA-Templated Three-Branched Nanostructures for Nanoelectronic Devices
Structure and Magnetism of VnBzn+1 Sandwich Clusters
Molecular Recognition in a Thermoplastic Elastomer
Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry Editedby Jie-Jack Li (Pfizer Global Research andDevelopment). Scientific Editor: E. J. Corey (HarvardUniversity). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ.2005. xx + 558 pp. $125.00. ISBN 0-471-30215-5.
Allele-Specific Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases
Regio- and Enantioselective Pd-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation of Ketonesthrough Allyl Enol Carbonates
Surface-Catalyzed Growth of Polymethylene-Rich CopolymerFilms on Gold
The Nature of the Supramolecular Association of1,2,5-Chalcogenadiazoles
Selective Chemical Shift Assignment of B800 and B850Bacteriochlorophylls in Uniformly [13C,15N]-LabeledLight-Harvesting Complexes by Solid-State NMRSpectroscopy at Ultra-High Magnetic Field
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