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| - Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF) Antagonists in Foods: A Study ofLipids with PAF or Anti-PAF-like Activity in Cow's Milk and Yogurt
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| - Yogurt, a food with indisputable nutritional value, is also used fortherapeutic purposes. Milkderivatives are blamed for some pathological effects of yogurt noted inselected subjects such assensitive newborns or infants. In this study, we investigated theprobable existence of platelet-activating factor (PAF) and lipids inhibiting PAF action in raw andincubated milk and yogurt.Detection of these substances may explain the controversialproperties of these milk products. Thein vitro biological study of lipids in washed platelets showed littleproduction of PAF in incubatedmilk (0.3−0.8 ng/100 mL sample) although the concentration of PAF inmilk fat remained constantduring the majority of the incubation time. Yogurt lipids ofintermediate polarity presented strongerinhibitory activity against PAF than lipids corresponded to raw orincubated milk. Our datademonstrated that Streptococcus thermophilus andLactobacillus bulgaricus biosynthesizeimportantquantities of PAF inhibitors, whereas random contamination of milkleads to the production of smallamounts of PAF and PAF inhibitors. Keywords: Platelet activating factor (PAF); PAF inhibitors; lipids;yogurt; milk bacteria
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