| - Field experiments in two successive seasons, at the AgriculturalResearch Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt,were conducted to study the effects of phosphorus fertilization(addition at rates of 44 or 74 kg ofP2O5/ha) and foliar application of zinc(applied at 0.0 or 40 ppm of Zn at two times: 75 and 90daysafter planting) and calcium (applied at 0.0, 20, 40, or 60 ppm of Ca attwo times: 80 and 95 daysafter planting) on growth, mineral uptake, yield components, yield, andfiber properties of theEgyptian cotton cultivar Giza 75. Dry matter yield of cottonplants (shoots), 105 days after sowing,phosphorus, calcium, and zinc uptake/plant, number of openedbolls/plant, boll weight, seed index,lint index, seed cotton yield/plant, seed cotton and lint yield/ha, andearliness of harvest increasedwith increasing phosphorus rate and application of Zn and Ca.Treatments generally had nosignificant effect on lint percentage and fiber properties, except inseason I, when Micronaire readingand flat bundle strength increased by addition of high phosphorus rateand 2.5 and 50.0% spanlength increased by application of Ca at 40 and 60 ppm compared tocontrol. Keywords: Phosphorus; zinc; calcium; cotton yield; fiberproperties