| - Sterols in seeds, pulp/peel fractions, and whole berries of sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoidesL.) samples belonging to two major subspecies (sinensis and rhamnoides) from Finland and Chinawere analyzed as TMS derivatives by gas chromatography−mass spectrometry after saponificationof the oils. The total sterol contents in the seeds, the fresh pulp/peel, and the whole berries were1200−1800, 240−400, and 340−520 mg/kg, respectively. The corresponding values in the extractedoils were 12−23, 10−29, and 13−33 g/kg. Sitosterol constituted 57−76 and 61−83%, respectively,of the seed and pulp/peel sterols. The sterol content and composition showed little variation betweensubspecies and collection sites. Different harvesting dates showed significant effects on the levelsof some sterols both in the seeds and in the pulp/peel. The sterol profiles obtained are useful forcharacterizing sea buckthorn and detecting adulterations of the valuable oils. The informationprovided by the present investigation is also important for further chemical investigation of seabuckthorn sterols and industrial utilization of the berries as a raw material of functional foods. Keywords: Berries; sea; buckthorn; harvesting time; seeds; sterols; Hippophaë rhamnoides