| - The contribution of the chemical composition to the flavor of cocoa liquor from an Ecuadorian selfedpopulation of clone EET 95 was investigated. Polyphenols, purine alkaloids, organic acids, and sugarswere quantified, and the key sensory characteristics of cocoa were scored by a trained panel. Despitethe short bean fermentation (2 days) commonly used for Arriba cocoa, acetic acid content was closelycorrelated to liquor pH, demonstrating its essential role in cocoa liquor acidification. Polyphenolswere positively correlated to astringency, bitterness, and the green note and negatively correlated tothe fruity character. Alkaloid and polyphenol levels fluctuated significantly within the selfed progenyand tended to be lower than those of the heterozygous clone EET 95 (inbreeding effect). Theseresults support the idea that polyphenols might be essential to the overall perception of cocoa liquorcharacteristics and indicate that the composition and the sensory quality of cocoa liquor are the resultof both a genotypic contribution and the conditions of fermentation and roasting. Keywords: Cocoa; Theobroma cacao; liquor; flavor; polyphenols; alkaloids; sugars and acids; sensoryevaluation