| - The transport and fate of pesticides applied to ornamental plant nursery crops are not well documented.Methodology for analysis of soil and water runoff samples concomitantly containing the herbicidessimazine (1-chloro-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-s-triazine) and 2,4-D ((2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid) wasdeveloped in this research to investigate the potential for runoff and leaching from ornamental nurseryplots. Solid-phase extraction was used prior to analysis by gas chromatography and liquidchromatography. Chromatographic results were compared with determination by enzyme-linkedimmunoassay analysis. The significant analytical contributions of this research include (1) thedevelopment of a scheme using chromatographic mode sequencing for the fractionation of simazineand 2,4-D, (2) optimization of the homogeneous derivatization of 2,4-D using the methylating agentboron trifluoride in methanol as an alternative to in situ generation of diazomethane, and (3) thepractical application of these techniques to field samples. Keywords: Ornamental plant nursery industry; herbicide; simazine; (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid;2,4-D; gas chromatography; high-performance liquid chromatography; solid-phase extraction; chromatographic mode sequencing; enzyme-linked immunoassay