| - The relationship between soluble peroxidase (EC; POX) activity and the development of achilling-related disorder, superficial scald, was studied in three apple fruit (Malus × domestica Borkh.)systems: a White Angel × Rome Beauty population with progeny with different scald susceptibilities;Delicious from three harvests with progressively declining scald susceptibility; and the scald-resistantIdared and the scald-susceptible Law Rome. Differences in incidence and severity of scald in progenyfrom White Angel × Rome Beauty progeny tended to show relationships with POX activity at harvest,but, overall, associations were not consistent. However, greater scald incidence and lower POX activitywere found in less mature Delicious fruit than in later harvested fruit. Also, the scald-resistant Ιdaredhad a much higher POX activity compared with the scald-susceptible Law Rome. A general hypothesisthat POX activity is related to scald susceptibility was generally supported, but exceptions wereobserved. Keywords: Apple; antioxidant enzymes; cold storage; cultivars; crabapple; Malus × domestica;peroxidase; superficial scald