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α-Casein Improves the Gel Properties of Dried Egg White
Insect Antifeedants from Munronia henryi: Structure ofMunroniamide
Factors Affecting Reduction of Selenate to Elemental Seleniumin Agricultural Drainage Water by Enterobacter taylorae
Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Fruit Juicesby Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion and Gas Chromatography
Identification and Quantification of Zeaxanthin Esters in PlantsUsing Liquid Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry
HPLC Method Validated for the Simultaneous Analysis ofCichoric Acid and Alkamides in Echinacea purpurea Plants andProducts
Metabolism of Grape Seed Polyphenol in the Rat
Viridepyronone, a New Antifungal 6-Substituted 2H-Pyran-2-oneProduced by Trichoderma viride
Tetrahydro-β-carboline Alkaloids Occur in Fruits and FruitJuices. Activity as Antioxidants and Radical Scavengers
Tyrosinase Inhibitor from Black Rice Bran
Phenylpyrazole Insecticide Photochemistry, Metabolism, andGABAergic Action: Ethiprole Compared with Fipronil
Chemical Composition of an East African Traditional Beverage,Togwa
Adsorption of Flavonoids on Resins: Hesperidin
Enantioselective Analysis of Methyl-Branched Alcohols andAcids in Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum L.) Stalks
Postmortem Proteome Changes of Porcine Muscle Related toTenderness
Simple and Inexpensive Flow l-Glutamate Determination UsingPumpkin Tissue
Minor Diterpenoids from Cascarilla (Croton eluteria Bennet) andEvaluation of the Cascarilla Extract and Cascarillin Effects onGastric Acid Secretion
Formation of Natamycin:Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes andTheir Characterization
Biochemical and Microstructural Characteristics of Insolubleand Soluble Dietary Fiber Prepared from Mushroom Sclerotia ofPleurotus tuber-regium, Polyporus rhinocerus, and Wolfiporiacocos
Effects of Yam Starch Films on Storability and Quality of FreshStrawberries (Fragaria ananassa)
Quantitation of (R)- and (S)-Linalool in Beer Using Solid PhaseMicroextraction (SPME) in Combination with a Stable IsotopeDilution Assay (SIDA)
Modification of Glutamine and Lysine Residues in Holo andApo α-Lactalbumin with Microbial Transglutaminase
Determination of Geosmin, 2-Methylisoborneol, and aMusty-Earthy Odor in Wheat Grain by SPME-GC-MS, ProfilingVolatiles, and Sensory Analysis
Stability of Natamycin and Its Cyclodextrin InclusionComplexes in Aqueous Solution
Detection and Prediction of Hydrolytic Rancidity in Milk byMultiple Regression Analysis of Short-Chain Free Fatty AcidsDetermined by Solid Phase Microextraction GasChromatography and Quantitative Flavor Intensity Assessment
Influence of Cucumariosides upon Intracellular [Ca2+]i andLysosomal Activity of Macrophages
Antioxidant Properties of Low Molecular Weight PhenolsPresent in the Mediterranean Diet
Investigation and Optimization of the Factors InfluencingSorghum Protein Extraction
The Occurrence of Friabilins in Triticale and Their Relationshipwith Grain Hardness and Baking Quality
Absorption, Tissue Distribution, Excretion, and Metabolism ofClothianidin in Rats
Analysis of Aldehydes in Beer Using Solid-PhaseMicroextraction with On-Fiber Derivatization and GasChromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Analysis of a Model Reaction System Containing Cysteine and(E)-2-Methyl-2-butenal, (E)-2-Hexenal, or Mesityl Oxide
Effect of High-Oxygen Atmospheres on Blueberry Phenolics,Anthocyanins, and Antioxidant Capacity
Inhibitory Effects of Plant-Derived Flavonoids and PhenolicAcids on Malonaldehyde Formation from Ethyl Arachidonate
Chemical and Sensorial Characteristics of Espresso Coffee AsAffected by Grinding and Torrefacto Roast
Analysis of the Carbohydrates in an East African TraditionalBeverage, Togwa
Radical Scavenging Activity of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.),Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), and Niger (Guizotiaabyssinica Cass.) Crude Seed Oils and Oil Fractions
Perfusion Chromatography Purification of a 15 kDa RiceProlamin
Peroxidase Activity and Superficial Scald Development in AppleFruit
Synthesis and Fungicidal Activity of Novel4,4‘-Bis(2‘ ‘-aryl-5‘ ‘-methyl/unsubstituted-4‘ ‘-oxo-thiazolidin-3‘ ‘-yl)Bibenzyl
Antioxidative Activity of Sulfur-Containing Compounds inAllium Species for Human Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)Oxidation in Vitro
Seasonal and Phenological Variations of the Essential Oil fromthe Narrow Endemic Species Artemisiamolinieri and ItsBiological Activities
Changes in Conformation and Subunit Assembly of CodMyosin at Low and High pH and after Subsequent Refolding
Antioxidant Effect of Phenolic Compounds, α-Tocopherol, andOther Minor Components in Virgin Olive Oil
Anthocyanin Profile of Korean Cultivated Kidney Bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Isolation and Antihypertensive Effect of Angiotensin I-Con-verting Enyzme (ACE) Inhibitory Peptides from SpinachRubico
Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) of Orange Juice Flavor: Odor Representativeness by Direct Gas ChromatographyOlfactometry (D-GC-O)
Simultaneous Fluorometric Determination ofChlorophylls a and b and Pheophytins a and b in Olive Oilby Partial Least-Squares Calibration
Investigations of Factors That Influence the Acrylamide Contentof Heated Foodstuffs
Histological Structures of Cooked Rice Grain
Caffeine and Resistance of Coffee to the Berry BorerHypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
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