| - Gas chromatography/olfactometry on a concentrate of volatiles obtained by solvent-assisted flavorevaporation (SAFE) from roasted peanuts containing a fruity/fermented off-note was used to identifythe odorants responsible for the flavor defect. Freshly dug peanuts were divided into two classes,mature and immature, using pod mesocarp color, and subjected to normal (27 °C) and high (40 °C)temperature curing. Sensory evaluation of the roasted peanuts found that immature peanuts curedat high temperature contained the fruity/fermented off-note. Mature peanuts cured at high temperatureand both immature and mature peanuts cured at low temperature were free of the off-note. Peanutswith the off-flavor were found to contain fruit-like esters (ethyl 2-methylpropanoate, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, and ethyl 3-methylbutanoate) along with increased levels of short chain organic acids(butanoic, 3-methylbutanoic, and hexanoic). These findings were confirmed by sensory evaluationof models, where the addition of these compounds produced the fruity/fermented flavor defect in acontrol peanut paste. This is the first time that the odorants responsible for this off-note in roastedpeanuts have been identified. Keywords: Peanut; gas chromatography/olfactometry; ethyl 2-methylbutanoate; ethyl 3-methylbutanoate; fruity/fermented; off-flavor