| - Sesamin and sesaminol triglucoside in sesame seeds are major lignans that display an abundanceof biological activities. Although their antioxidative activity in vitro is weak, they have been reportedto suppress oxidative stress in vivo. We investigated the production of new antioxidative lignansfrom sesame lignans by culturing with the genus Aspergillus to enhance the function of food materials.Media containing sesamin or sesaminol triglucoside increased antioxidative activity for DPPH radicalscavenging by culturing with Aspergillus usamii mut. shirousamii RIB2503. The antioxidative lignansin sesamin medium were identified as sesamin 2,6-dicatechol and episesamin 2,6-dicatechol. Thosein sesaminol triglucoside medium were identified as sesaminol 6-catechol and episesaminol 6-catechol,which are novel antioxidative lignans. It is suggested that they may exhibit higher antioxidative activitythan sesamin and sesaminol triglucoside because they have the catechol functional moiety. Keywords: Antioxidant; Aspergillus; catechol; lignan; sesame