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| - Available Nitrogen and Arginine Deaminase Activity inGroundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Fields after Imidacloprid,Diazinon, and Lindane Treatments
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| - Plant available nitrogen and arginine deaminase activities were determined in insecticide-treatedgroundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) fields between July and November for three consecutive years(1997−1999). Diazinon was applied for both seed and soil treatments. However, imidacloprid andlindane were used only for the seed treatments. An average half-life (t1/2) of diazinon in seed- andsoil-treated fields was 29.32 and 34.87 days, respectively. Its residues were detected till 60 days inboth seed- and soil-treated fields. Diazinon treatments had shown stimulatory effects on availablenitrogen in both types of treatments. However, the increase in arginine deaminase activity was onlyobserved in diazinon soil-treated field. Residues of imidacloprid and lindane were detected in seed-treated fields till 90 and 120 days with an average half-life (t1/2) of 40.96 and 53.39 days, respectively.Imidacloprid had stimulatory effects, and lindane had adverse effects on both available nitrogen andarginine deaminase activities. Keywords: Available nitrogen; soil enzyme; arginine deaminase; imidacloprid; diazinon; lindane
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