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| - Spectroscopic and Thermal Investigations on CompostImproved by Iron Salt Addition
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| - A quality compost obtained from sewage sludge (one part in weight) and yard trimmings and sawdust(two parts) has been investigated as a potential carrier of iron to plants. At the end of the thermophilicphase, the composting materials were added with crystalline FeSO4·7H2O (97%). Chemical properties,respiratory indices, and seed germination tests proved the compost to be suitable as an iron carrierin agriculture. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and fluorescence spectroscopy providedevidence of the effective linking of the iron ion to the organic molecule functional groups, thuspreventing the loss of iron ion by leaching and precipitation phenomena and allowing the metal ionto be available to plants as both mineral and organic species. The thermogram obtained on compostwithout iron was similar to that previously obtained for composted materials of different origins, whereassamples with added iron ion exhibited in addition an exotherm in the medium-temperature region.FT-IR spectra carried out on samples heated at different temperatures indicated a loss of iron ionlinked to carboxyl groups. Keywords: Waste recycling; iron-enriched compost; phytocompatibility; spectroscopic and thermalcharacterization
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