| - Penicilliumroqueforti comprises three accepted species: P. carneum, which is associated with meat,cheese, and bread; P. paneum, associated primarily with bread and silage; and P. roqueforti, whichis associated with various processed foods and silage. This paper reports the use of HPLC-MS andHPLC-NMR to investigate the metabolites of silage-derived strains from two areas where silagetoxicoses are regularly observed (Scandinavia and eastern Canada). Only modest differences wereseen between the metabolites produced by strains from Canada and Scandinavia; however, silagestrains of P. paneum isolated from Quebec were poor producers of patulin. This paper reports forthe first time the production of festuclavine from P. paneum. This may be important as a possibleexplanation for the ill thrift observed when this species is dominant in poorly ensiled materials fed todairy cows. Keywords: Penicillium roqueforti; Penicillium paneum; Penicillium carneum; Penicillium metabolites;HPLC-MS; HPLC-NMR; silage; cattle toxicity