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| - HPLC Quantification of Sphingolipids in Soybeans withModified Palmitate Content
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| - Efficient separation and accurate quantification of sphingolipids (SL) are important for studying SLconcentrations and biological functions. The objectives of this study were to develop effective methodsfor the separation and quantification of SL and to determine the relationship between palmitate andSL contents of mature soybean seeds. Methods using column chromatography and high-performanceliquid chromatography−evaporative light scattering detector (HPLC-ELSD) were developed to separateand quantify glucosylceramide (GlcCer) and ceramide (Cer) in 15 soybeans lines in which palmitatecontent ranged from 3.7 to 40.7%. There were significant differences among the lines for GlcCer(83.4−397.6 nmol/g) and major Cer contents (8.4−20.7 nmol/g) on a dry weight basis. The correlationsof palmitate content with GlcCer and Cer concentrations were not significant. The results indicatedthat the palmitate content of soybean seed did not affect their GlcCer and Cer contents. Geneticfactors other than those that control palmitate content seemed to be responsible for the variationamong soybean lines for GlcCer and Cer contents. Keywords: Sphingolipids; glucosylceramide; ceramide; palmitate content; HPLC quantification;soybean
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