| - Regulatory agencies in the NAFTA region use ground water leaching models to help determine risksto ground water resources. The results of three models for leaching predictions are compared usinga standard soil and weather scenario currently used by the New York Department of EnvironmentalConservation (NYDEC) to simulate the Riverhead soil found on Long Island, New York. The threemodels, PRZM3.12, LEACHP, and RZWQM98, were configured to simulate the behavior of twoexample molecules in corn, turfgrass, and bare soil. For the bare soil simulations, LEACHP andRZWQM98 predicted similar peak concentrations and timing of peak concentration. Depending onthe dissipation rate of the molecule, PRZM3.12 predicted similar to reduced peak concentrationsdue to the delayed timing to reach the peak concentration. For the corn and turfgrass simulations,peak concentrations and timing to reach peak concentrations varied between the models due todifferences in how each simulates plant growth and evapotranspiration. Keywords: Leaching; PRZM3.12; LEACHP; RZWQM98; ground water