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À propos de : Gluten-Free Sorghum Bread Improved by SourdoughFermentation: Biochemical, Rheological, and MicrostructuralBackground        

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  • Gluten-Free Sorghum Bread Improved by SourdoughFermentation: Biochemical, Rheological, and MicrostructuralBackground
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  • This study was conducted to improve the quality and theoretical understanding of gluten-free sorghumbread. The addition of 2% hydroxypropyl methylcellulose improved bread based on 105% water,70% sorghum flour, and 30% potato starch. Nevertheless, a flat top and tendency toward a hole inthe crumb remained. Sourdough fermentation of the total sorghum flour eliminated these problems.Size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography demonstrated that during sourdoughfermentation, proteins from the dough liquid were degraded to peptides smaller than kafirin monomers(<19 kDa). Laser scanning confocal microscopy showed aggregated protein in bread crumb withoutsourdough fermentation, whereas with sourdough fermentation, only small isolated patches of proteinbodies embedded in matrix protein remained. In oscillatory temperature sweeps, sourdoughfermentation caused a significantly higher resistance to deformation (|G*|) after gelatinization of theabove batter relative to batters without sourdough. Results suggest that a strong starch gel, withoutinterference of aggregated protein, is desirable for this type of bread. Keywords: Sorghum; gluten-free bread; sourdough; size-exclusion-HPLC (SE-HPLC, SEC); rheology;laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM)
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