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Available (Ileal Digestible Reactive) Lysine in SelectedPet Foods
Characterization of Vitis vinifera L. Cv. Carménère Grape andWine Proanthocyanidins
Changes in Color and Odorant Compounds during OxidativeAging of Pedro Ximenez Sweet Wines
Binding of 2-Nonanone and Milk Proteinsin Aqueous Model Systems
Comparison of Two Dietary Folate Intake Instruments and TheirValidation by RBC Folate
Allium Discoloration: The Color-Forming Potential of IndividualThiosulfinates and Amino Acids: Structural Requirements forthe Color-Developing Precursors
Interaction of Resveratrol and Its Trimethyl and TriacetylDerivatives with Biomembrane Models Studied by DifferentialScanning Calorimetry
d-Amino Acid Formation in Sterilized Alkali-Treated Olives
Representation, Comparison, and Interpretation of MetabolomeFingerprint Data for Total Composition Analysis and QualityTrait Investigation in Potato Cultivars
Toward Metrological Traceability for DNA Fragment Ratios inGM Quantification. 1. Effect of DNA Extraction Methods on theQuantitative Determination of Bt176 Corn by Real-Time PCR
Carotenoid Accumulation in Japanese Apricot (Prunus mumeSiebold & Zucc.): Molecular Analysis of Carotenogenic GeneExpression and Ethylene Regulation
Differentiation of Young Red Wines Based on Chemometrics ofMinor Polyphenolic Constituents
Quantification of Milk Fat in Chocolate Fats by TriacylglycerolAnalysis Using Gas−Liquid Chromatography
Static−Dynamic Superheated Liquid Extraction ofHydroxytyrosol and Other Biophenols from Alperujo (aSemisolid Residue of the Olive Oil Industry)
Lignin Modification during Eucalyptus globulus Kraft PulpingFollowed by Totally Chlorine-Free Bleaching: ATwo-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, FourierTransform Infrared, and Pyrolysis−Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry Study
Antioxidant Properties of Fusarium Head Blight-Resistant and-Susceptible Soft Red Winter Wheat Grains Grown in Virginia
Induction of Autophagy and Apoptosis by the Extract ofSolanum nigrum Linn in HepG2 Cells
In Vitro and in Vivo Stability of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester,a Bioactive Compound of Propolis
Stability to Light, Heat, and Hydrogen Peroxide at Different pHValues and DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity of AcylatedAnthocyanins from Red Radish Extract
Purification of Lactulose from Mixtures with Lactose UsingPressurized Liquid Extraction with Ethanol−Water at DifferentTemperatures
Role of the C-Terminal Domain of Thermus thermophilusTrehalose Synthase in the Thermophilicity, Thermostability, andEfficient Production of Trehalose
Genetically Modified Rapeseed Oil Containingcis-9,trans-11,cis-13-Octadecatrienoic Acid Affects Body FatMass and Lipid Metabolism in Mice
Pear Distillates from Pear Juice Concentrate: Effect of Lees inthe Aromatic Composition
High-Throughput Microplate Enzymatic Assays for Fast Sugarand Acid Quantification in Apple and Tomato
Toward Metrological Traceability for DNA Fragment Ratios inGM Quantification. 2. Systematic Study of ParametersInfluencing the Quantitative Determination of MON 810 Corn byReal-Time PCR
Application of Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography−MassSpectrometry in Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticide Residuesin Ginseng Root
Fish Species Identification in Surimi-Based Products
Primary and Secondary Metabolite Composition of Kernels fromThree Cultivars of Portuguese Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.)at Different Stages of Industrial Transformation
Dysfunctionality of the Xylem in Olea europaea L. PlantsAssociated with the Infection Process by Verticillium dahliaeKleb. Role of Phenolic Compounds in Plant DefenseMechanism
Chemical and Physical Stability of Citral and Limonene inSodium Dodecyl Sulfate−Chitosan and Gum Arabic-StabilizedOil-in-Water Emulsions
Glyphosate-Resistant and -Susceptible Soybean (Glycine max)and Canola (Brassica napus) Dose Response and MetabolismRelationships with Glyphosate
Determination of Olive Oil Oxidative Status by Selected IonFlow Tube Mass Spectrometry
Determination of Folate Concentrations in Diverse PotatoGermplasm Using a Trienzyme Extraction and a MicrobiologicalAssay
Preparation and Characterization of Inclusion Complex ofIprodione and β-Cyclodextrin to Improve Fungicidal Activity
Ethyl Hexanoate Transfer Modeling in Carrageenan Matrices forDetermination of Diffusion and Partition Properties
Determination of Cocoa Butter Equivalents in Milk Chocolate byTriacylglycerol Profiling
Structure−Reactivity Relationships of Flavan-3-ols on ProductGeneration in Aqueous Glucose/Glycine Model Systems
Oxidation Products of α-Farnesene Associated withSuperficial Scald Development in d'Anjou Pear FruitsAre Conjugated Trienols
Real-Time TaqMan Polymerase Chain Reaction Detectionand Quantification of Cow DNA in Pure Water BuffaloMozzarella Cheese: Method Validation and Its Applicationon Commercial Samples
Effects of Fish Heme Protein Structure and Lipid SubstrateComposition on Hemoglobin-Mediated Lipid Oxidation
Synthesis of Gluten-Forming Polypeptides. 1. Biosynthesis ofGliadins and Glutenin Subunits
Freshness and Quality Criteria of Iced Farmed Senegalese Sole(Solea senegalensis)
Detection of Hexabromocyclododecane and Its MetabolitePentabromocyclododecene in Chicken Egg and Fish from theOfficial Food Control
Oral Toxicity of β-N-Acetyl Hexosaminidase to Insects
Preparation of Partially Decaffeinated Instant Green Tea
A Survey of Seasonal Temperatures and Vineyard AltitudeInfluences on 2-Methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine, C13-Norisoprenoids,and the Sensory Profile of Brazilian Cabernet Sauvignon Wines
Influence of Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulation on thePhysical Properties of the Fluid, Spray Characteristics,and Insecticide Deposits on Stored Grains
Nucleophilic Reactions of Phorate and Terbufos with ReducedSulfur Species under Anoxic Conditions
High-Yielding Preparation of a Stable Precursor ofHydroxytyrosol by Total Synthesis and from the NaturalGlycoside Oleuropein
Detection of Soft Wheat in Semolina and Durum Wheat Breadby Analysis of DNA Microsatellites
High-Throughput Method for the Quantitation of Total Folate inWhole Blood Using LC-MS/MS
Norflurazon Mobility, Dissipation, Activity, and Persistence in aSandy Soil As Influenced by Formulation
Influence of Soil Type on the Mobility and Bioavailability ofChelated Zinc
Kinetic Modeling of Malonylgenistin and MalonyldaidzinConversions under Alkaline Conditions and ElevatedTemperatures
Influence of Thermal Treatment Applied to Fe(III) PolyhydroxyCation Intercalated Vermiculite on the Adsorption of Atrazine
Electron Spin Resonance Estimation of Hydroxyl RadicalScavenging Capacity for Lipophilic Antioxidants
Detection Methods for Biotech Cotton MON 15985 andMON 88913 by PCR
Determination of Aloesin and Aloeresin A for the Detection ofAloe in Beverages
Toward Metrological Traceability for DNA Fragment Ratios inGM Quantification. 3. Suitability of DNA Calibrants Studied witha MON 810 Corn Model
Efficiency of Natural Phenolic Compounds Regeneratingα-Tocopherol from α-Tocopheroxyl Radical
Physicochemical Properties of Native Adzuki Bean (Vignaangularis) 7S Globulin and the Molecular Cloning ofIts cDNA Isoforms
Characterization of Polyphenol Oxidase and Peroxidase andInfluence on Browning of Cold Stored Strawberry Fruit
ACE-Inhibitory and Radical-Scavenging Activity of PeptidesDerived from β-Lactoglobulin f(19−25). Interactions withAscorbic Acid
Identification of Antioxidants in Essential Oil of RadixAngelicae Sinensis Using HPLC Coupled with DAD-MS andABTS-Based Assay
Proteomic Identification of Actin-Derived Oligopeptides inDry-Cured Ham
Role of κ-Casein in the Association of Denatured WheyProteins with Casein Micelles in Heated ReconstitutedSkim Milk
Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for the Detection ofKudoa paniformis and Kudoa thyrsites in Pacific Hake(Merluccius productus)
Structural and Biological Study of CarboxymethylatedPhellinus linteus Polysaccharides
Identification and Quantification of Stilbenes in Fruits ofTransgenic Tomato Plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) byReversed Phase HPLC with Photodiode Array and MassSpectrometry Detection
Breast Cancer Prevention by Green Tea Catechins and BlackTea Theaflavins in the C3(1) SV40 T,t Antigen TransgenicMouse Model Is Accompanied by Increased Apoptosis and aDecrease in Oxidative DNA Adducts
Influence of Corn Size Distribution on the Diastatic Power ofMalted Barley and Its Impact on Other Malt Quality Parameters
Effect of Ionic Detergents, Nonionic Detergents, and ChaotropicAgents on Polyphenol Oxidase Activity from Dormant Saffron(Crocus sativus L.) Corms
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