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| - Mass-Analyzed Threshold Ionization of the trans-1-Naphthol−Water Complex: Assignmentof Vibrational Modes, Ionization Energy, and Binding Energy
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| - Naphthol is a prototype example for the enhancement of the molecule-to-solvent proton transfer after electronicexcitation. In this work, we investigate the influence of water molecules attached to naphthol on thespectroscopic properties of the neutral excited-state S1 and the ionic state. In addition to S1←S0 spectra, wepresent mass-analyzed threshold ionization (MATI) spectra for 1-naphthol and for the first time of the1-naphthol·H2O complex displaying a rich variety of intra- and intermolecular vibrational bands. Thecomparison of ionic spectra measured via different intermediate states allows us to assign various vibrationalmodes in the monomer and the 1-naphthol·H2O cluster assuming a Δν = 0 propensity rule. Assignment isalso based on the energies and atomic displacement patterns of vibrations calculated from ab initio theory.
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