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Isotopomer-Selective Overtone Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Benzene by Ionization DetectedIR + UV Double Resonance: The N = 2 CH Chromophore Absorption of 12C6H6 and13C12C5H6 near 6000 cm-1
Low-Temperature Kinetics of the Reaction of the OH Radical with Hydrogen Peroxide
Solvation of HF by Molecular Hydrogen: Helium Nanodroplet Vibrational Spectroscopy
Theoretical Studies of the O(3P) + Methane Reaction
Quenching of I(2P1/2) by Cl2 and Cl Atoms over the Temperature Range 297−663 K
Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled ortho-, meta-, andpara-Diethynylbenzene
Ultrafast Excited-State Proton Transfer of 2-(2‘-Hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole:Theoretical Analysis of the Skeletal Deformations and the Active Vibrational Modes
Rovibrational Energy Transfer in the 4νCH Manifold of Acetylene, Viewed by IR−UVDouble Resonance Spectroscopy. 1. Foundation Studies at Low J
Semiempirical Model of Vibrational Relaxation for Estimating Absolute Rate Coefficients
Kinetic Study of the Reaction of Acetaldehyde with OH
Collision Induced Dephasing in Fluorescence Quantum Beat of SO2(C̃B2)
Inclusion Complexes of 6-Bromo-2-Naphthol (Guest) and α-Cyclodextrin (Host): Thermodynamics of the Binary Complex and First-Reported Dynamics of a Triplet-StateGuest/Host2 Complex
Density Functional Calculations, Structure, and Vibrational Frequencies of2-Cyclopenten-1-one in Its S0, S1(n,π*), T1(n,π*), and T2(π,π*) States
Nonlinear-Infrared Responses of the N−H Mode of Pyrrole in Carbon Tetrachloride byHeterodyned and Stimulated Echoes
Pleasures of Science with Students and Colleagues
Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics in the Excited State of Coumarin 102−Aniline Hydrogen-BondedComplex
Microscopic Mechanism of Ultrafast Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer: A 30-fsStudy of 2-(2‘-Hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazole
Quantum Energy Flow and trans-Stilbene Photoisomerization: an Example of aNon-RRKM Reaction
Reactivity of the CF3CFHO Radical: Thermal Decomposition and Reaction with O2
Picosecond Time-Resolved Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy of the ArtificialBacteriorhodopsin Pigment, BR6.11
Scientific Contributions of Charles S. Parmenter
Rate Constants for D + C2H2 → C2HD + H at High Temperature: Implications to theHigh Pressure Rate Constant for H + C2H2 → C2H3
Relaxation of the 6 Vibrational Level in 1B2u Benzene by Polyatomic Colliders at UltralowTemperatures
Probing Confined Water with Nonphotochemical Hole Burning Spectroscopy: AluminumPhthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate in Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)
Complexes of Importance to the Absorption of Solar Radiation
Competition between Adiabatic and Nonadiabatic Pathways in the Photodissociation ofVibrationally Excited Ammonia
The Kinetics of Methyl Loss from Ethylbenzene and Xylene Ions: The Tropylium versusBenzylium Story Revisited
Colleagues of Charles S. Parmenter
Spectroscopic Investigation on the Microscopic Solvation Effect on the IntramolecularCharge-Transfer Process of (p-Cyanophenyl)pentamethyldisilane in Supersonic Jets
Sticking of Hyperthermal CO to the (0001) Face of Crystalline Ice
Lowest n,π* Triplet State of 2-Cyclopenten-1-one: Cavity Ringdown Absorption Spectrumand Ring-Bending Potential-Energy Function
Mass-Analyzed Threshold Ionization of the trans-1-Naphthol−Water Complex: Assignmentof Vibrational Modes, Ionization Energy, and Binding Energy
Probing Adsorption, Orientation and Conformational Changes of Cytochrome c on FusedSilica Surfaces with the Soret Band
Molecular Beams in Space: Sources of OH(A→X) Emission in the Space ShuttleEnvironment
On the Dissociation of van der Waals Clusters of X2−Cyclohexane (X = O, Cl) FollowingCharge-Transfer Excitation in the Ultraviolet
A Simplified Reduced-Dimensionality Study to Treat Reactions of the Type X + CZ3Y →XY + CZ3
Toward Automated Cell Model Development through Information Theory
Assessing Intrinsic Side Chain Interactions between i and i + 4 Residues in Solvent-FreePeptides: A Combinatorial Gas-Phase Approach
Publications of Charles S. Parmenter
Electronic Spectrum of Dicyanoacetylene. 2. Interpretation of the 2800 Å Transition
Comparative Photophysics of C61H2 Isomers
Role of Surface Intramolecular Dynamics in the Efficiency of Energy Transfer in Ne AtomCollisions with a n-Hexylthiolate Self-Assembled Monolayer
High Resolution Electronic Spectrum of the N2 van der Waals Complex ofp-Difluorobenzene. Structure and Internal Motion
CH Stretching Overtone Spectra of Fluorine Substituted Toluenes
Hydrated Sugars in the Gas Phase: Spectroscopy and Conformation of Singly HydratedPhenyl β-d-Glucopyranoside
Rotational Changes Accompanying Vibrational Transfer in Low-Energy Collisions betweenBenzene and H2, D2, and CH4
Velocity Map Ion Imaging of Chlorine Azide Photolysis: Evidence for PhotolyticProduction of Cyclic-N3
Electronic Spectrum of Dicyanoacetylene. 1. Calculations of the Geometries and Vibrationsof Ground and Excited States of Diacetylene, Cyanoacetylene, Cyanogen, Triacetylene,Cyanodiacetylene, and Dicyanoacetylene
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