| - The microstructure and absorption/desorption characteristics of composite MgH2 and 5 wt % as-preparedsingle-walled carbon nanotubes (MgH2-5ap) obtained by the mechanical grinding method were investigated.Experimental results show that the MgH2-5ap sample exhibits faster absorption kinetics and relatively lowerdesorption temperature than pure MgH2 or MgH2-purified single-walled carbon nanotube composite. Storagecapacities of 6.0 and 4.2 wt % hydrogen for the MgH2-5ap composite were achieved in 60 min at 423 and373 K, respectively. Furthermore, its desorption temperature was reduced by 70 K due to the introduction ofas-prepared single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). In addition, the different effects of SWNTs and metalliccatalysts contained in the as-prepared SWNTs were also investigated and a hydrogenation mechanism wasproposed. It is suggested that metallic particles may be mainly responsible for the improvement of the hydrogenabsorption kinetics, and SWNTs for the enhancement of hydrogen absorption capacity of MgH2.